






So Yaichi is able to talk to Ginko again and I suppose they are on better terms now...
As for shogi, it's his chance to redeem himself. Felt very rushed though for the finale. I wasn't expecting much but still feel underwhelmed. This was also probably one of Yaichi's toughest match yet so it was saved for the finale.
One of the slightly better episodes imo but that doesn't say that much. I found this anime to be pretty underwhelming in the end.

underwhelming=つまらない 面白くない

I wanted to see Yaichi's apology to Ginko. I didn't get it. Booooo. :p

do not show the apology to Ginkgo, and throughout the anime Ginko was underestimated, very sad it :(



I kinda feel like the apology to Ginko was cut. That was an important part to the story and I can't believe they seriously took it off.
The anime was atleast not lacking in its loli jokes, but there is literally not much you can expect from this anime. Atleast it was fun in the shogi battles, so there's that.
Not hyped for season 2. Not that there will be one anyway.

【So there's that】スラング英語の意味
【So there's that】「そんなとこ」「そんなかんじ」「ちゃんちゃん」「以上!」





Not a bad serie but it feel a promo for the novel, and of course a second season is unlikely. A bit of a waste but a very popular light novel like this deserved an anime nontheless.
4/5 overall. The battles with Ai were the best.

It was a fine episode, i felt the cringe a lot but it was fine, a 7/10, I will miss those characters and amazing designs tbh, I doubt it will get a 2nd season but I hope it does get one.
also WHERE IS THE APOLOGIZING SCENE?!!!!!! was there one in the novel anyway?


What a disappointing finale, it felt rushed and didn't get to see Yaichi's apology to Ginko. The shogi match was okay. Not a good show overall. 2/10


I guess this was an OK show, nothing special though. If they didn't include the loli bait, the viewership might have only been people who play shoji lol.
It's a little unrealistic that he ended up beating the Meijin 4 times in a row but we got our happy ending.
I admit I knew nothing about shoji and now I feel I know a little about it. Just a little.



It really happened though. (in a Meijin vs Ryuuou match for the Ryuuou's title.)
I mean, this can happen. ^^


I liked the match, it was very intense and kept me expectant. But then he won the other three games and that's it? Happy ending? That was disappointing, as disappointing as there was no scene of Yaichi apologizing to Ginko. Poor girl, she's labeled as main character, but to me she seemed more like a side character who didn't even get an apology at the end. And I know this show is about lolis, but I really wish they'd focused more on characters like Ginko or Keika :/
I didn't like the last few episodes very much, but anyway, it was a fun show.

expectant=期待している 待ちわびている


It was a good episode although I don't like how they skipped the next 3 matches as if it were easy after this. I understand why they did it, but it was still too fast

not even joking but this show is one anime of this season that I actually enjoy the most, esp the shogi battle part with epic ost
s2 when

Intense match even though I'm brainlet that can't understand shogi yet.
Ai was super cute too 9/10


Best girl didn't even get Yaichi to apologize to her. Besides that it wasn't that bad, I had fun watching it, would have had more fun if Ginko wasn't this much of side character.

I knew the show was gonna focus on the lolis but I didnt think ginko would get shafted so badly throughout the entire show...

get shafted=褒められる 酷い目に遭う

Damn,I was hoping to see Ginko get shafted-oh wait,perhaps I shouldn't have said that ;)
As for the Meijin,I got the impression he wasn't looking to win so much as testing out his theories about shogi,and pushing Yaichi to play as good as he could,and as for the lolis,who cares,they were cute and that's what matters.
Starting to think that maybe I'd like to try and learn Shogi,but at my age(not telling you),it'd really be an uphill battle,and I don't like hills-well,not going up them anyway.


uphill battle=苦しい戦い 厳しい環境での戦い


Well the finale was a bit rushed (well of course, noticeable at the end) but in the end I thought the show was entertaining to an certain extent. There are quite some apparent issues in here that could have been fixed, unfortunately these were stemmed and apparent throughout.
It being the pacing and not only that some parts of the series not working very much. That along with the last few episodes kinda making Ginko shafted throughout harder than I actually thought. Considering Ginko isn't as bad as a character, I don't think she deserved that push-over either. Which is unfortunate.
The shogi part (and only THE aspect) is at least better than 3gatsu and I'm not trying to compare them too often since they are two separated entities, one focuses on the characters and the drama and the other being actual shogi (because in 3gatsu the shogi is more of a sub-plot element for the current season imo), but aside from that, eh. Thought it could have been done better.
I may consider reading the LN seeing how the series apparently rushed through some stuff. But I don't think it affected anything that can be OVERLY major.
6-7/10 for the moment being.


pushover=すぐ負ける人 騙されやすい人


So Mejin actually has a face, huh?
Pretty nice ending. I thought they will cut it after 4th game and leave us hanging.
I wanted to see him apologizing to Ginko :(


Feels ok after previous 2 episodes in which only highlight was Keika's match. Bu the series was rushed and sloppy towards the end. I just hope 3rd and further volumes of the LN get translated faster. Up till ep 5 it was solid 9/10, then drop was slight but closer to the end it started breaking more. It's too much stuff cut out just fro the 1st and 2nd novel and this gap grows. Still it has it's cute moments and that ending somewhat fits. 7/10 overall

sloppy=雑 ずさんな


I actually can't believe he was able to come back and beat the Meijin. I figured he would fight a good fight and either come close to winning, or win this match but lose the next. But for him to actually win 4 consecutive times was genuinely shocking to me. I'm not sure how I feel about them giving him 3 off screen victories. Just seems kind of cheap to me.
The match was really intense though, and that's what the show did successfully. I think it had a great feeling of intensity and suspense for every match. Seeing the Meijin's face for the first time finally made his character seem more human. I liked his simplistic design. He seemed like a really kind guy. A little older than I initially thought too.
RIP to Ginko. No on screen apology. She really was treated like dirt. But I could careless since I wasn't a fan of her to begin with.
Still immensely happy for Keika though, she was easily the best character of the show. Speaking of, she was the first to reach out to Yaichi in his mind. Does that finally confirm she's Yaichi's true wife?
I'll miss the lolis that's for sure. I do see a lot of complaining about the lolis though. Which makes me wonder, what else were people thinking when they saw this show? Lolis are plastered everywhere, so what else do you expect? It's Japan and anime for God's sake. You know what you're going to get with this one.
Regardless, I think this put shogi in a positive light. I really wish I knew how the game worked, because I'm sure I would've enjoyed this even more.
As for everything else, the art was appealing the character designs were really good for a number of characters including both Ai's and Ika.
Also, thick cute girl from the Onsen finally showed her eyes! Hopefully she'll be a part of the harem.
Overall, I had a lot of fun with this one. Lots of tension and excitement with the games, good development for a number of characters, appealing art and character designs, and most importantly, lolis. I'd like to see a second season for sure, but I'm not exactly sure where Yaichi can go from here, more titles maybe? Either way, hope to see more.

in a positive light=肯定的な観点で


An ok finale, but the shogi match was pretty intense.
Overall, the show's been an enjoyable ride. Maybe even the guilty pleasure of this season.

guilty pleasure=後ろめたい喜び 罪悪感を覚える楽しみ 恥ずかしい趣味


Coming into this show, I already new it was probably going to be base level and heavily saturated with uninteresting lolis, but then Ginko-san was introduced and my idiotic self thought "hey, this is a decently interesting character with a pretty unique design (compared to the rest of this show's characters anyways) and was genuinely looking forward to a ship that didn't make me cringe. So episode 11 came around and boy was I annoyed when mc went full douche-bag on her, but I also had hope that this event would lead to a finale where an apology and possible ship-worthy scene closed the show. Well...one rushed episode filled with the worlds most annoying loli ever (Ai#1) and all I can say is:



douchebag [dú:ʃˌbæg][ドゥーシュバッグ]




Continued to watch only for Ginko moments and for that I have no regrets. The rest of the show is not my cup of tea. Beyond the loli pandering, it tries to be something (drama) which it clearly isn't.

pander=人の下劣さに迎合する 欲望につけこむ


Definitely felt rushed. Honestly, if this show just focused on the loli antics I think I would have enjoyed it more because that stuff was actually pretty funny. There were a few cringey moments and the serious stuff didn't hit as hard as it should have. I mean how can you leave the Ginko apology out; feels like she got shafted. Not to mention just blowing past the last 3 games. I mean this fourth match here was actually pretty well done, so really they prob just needed more episodes to get the story across better.

antic=ふざけた仕草 おかしな態度


JUST LOVE IT!!!! That Yaichi has shown Meijin why he is the current ryuo. That match is so intense. Great win by the Yaichi...
* i love that Ginko vs Ai scenes from these one especially the one where they will guess what is Yaichi next move will be. And the lap part where Ginko caught him resting in Ai's lap...
* LOVED where they have shown all the minor and Major character in the series... and for the last time i have seen Char-chan!!!


the fact that this is based on something that happened in real life is cool




