


lol at 2:24 Misaka 9982 was already looking at the Mikoto's cone


I want to hug all of the Misaka's clones.😊


that...would take a while



a most worthy endeavor

endeavor=試み 努力
a mostという表現が文法的に正しいのかは不明

・なんだって?「私が見たのは猫でしたか?(Was it a cat I saw)」は日本語でも上から読んでも下から読んでも同じ意味になるのですか?すごい(笑)

WTF? "Was it a cat I saw" is a palindrome in Japanese too?! Crazy. lol

palindrome =回文 上から読んでも下から読んでも同じになる文章


Oh what I just noticed that. That is crazy.


Not really. What Imouto says is Koneko, which means kittens, or more litterally "child cat". But that isn't a palindrome in english so the translator changed it to make it fit.

「"Koneko...ue kara yondemo shita kara yondemo...koneko..." が実際に言った内容であり(私の日本語への理解が間違っていないなら)、これを英文に最も近づけるように訳すと「Koneko...read the same forwards as it is backwards...koneko...」か、もっと一語一句正確に訳しているものが良いと言うなら、「Koneko....read it from the top, read it from the bottom...koneko...」になる。つまり御坂妹は「仔猫(koneko)」が上から読んでも下から読んでも同じであることを面白がっていて、もっというとko-ne-koが3つのひらがなで構成されていることに対して、「フフフ」と面白がっているのです。

"Koneko...ue kara yondemo shita kara yondemo...koneko..." Actually, (if my grasp on Japanese hasn't completely gone) a closer translation would be: "Koneko...read the same forwards as it is backwards...koneko..." Or if you prefer a more verbatim translation: "Koneko....read it from the top, read it from the bottom...koneko..." Misaka Imouto is amused that the word "koneko" itself is a palindrome:  the three hiragana that make it up, ko-ne-ko, being the palindrome that she is amused with. "Huhuhu..." =)

grasp=理解する 把握する ギュッと掴む
verbatim =一語一語 文字通り 逐語的

氷菓子屋(アイスクリームマン )」をアニメ化しないんだ?

Why don't we have a Certain Scientific Ice Cream Man series? Just some guy driving around Academy breaking up fights with his delicious frozen dairy treats.


if you truly believe that my ice cream isn't the best in the world then I'll shatter that delusion of yours!

delusion =妄想

最初、「そのふざけた幻想をぶち殺す!」の意味かな?と思ったけど、これは英文だと「I'll destroy that screwed up illusion of yours! 」と表記するので、そのパロディって感じで書いたのでしょう


I can imagine Toma and Accelerator about to start an epic fight to the finish, and the ice cream man pulls nears them and stops them. He gives them ice cream and drives away, Toma and Accelerator would proceed to eat that ice cream and talk about life.

sister noise is the best arc of the whole series. Enthralling story, good character development, suspense, drama and comedy at its finest



It provides a really good structure for the later arcs too.  have you read any LN yet?

LN=Light Nove=ライトノベル

I'm afraid not. I am not that interested in the raildex universe as a whole. In fact, I only started watching railgun because Misaka is one hell of a badass chick. I haven't even watched Index yet :))

Raildex is the nickname the English-speaking fandom uses for the Toaru Majutsu no Index franchise. It is a portmanteau of Railgun and Index, referring to the animated adaptations. (wikia)

Misaka 9982, we will never forget you.

・英語吹き替え版では、何らかの理由で"Was it a cat I saw"を"Kitty kitty"に変えていた。口の動きとリンクさせるためかな?
In the English version, they switched from "Was it a cat I saw" to "Kitty kitty" for some reason. Lip-syncing?


「koneko」は、日本語で「仔猫」といいます。ko-ne-koは後ろから読んでもko-ne-koなので意味が通りますが、それを英語にしても意味が通りません。だから翻訳者は、同じ意味になるように、それを「was it a cat I saw」に変更したのでしょう。だから厳密に言うと、(kittyは仔猫という意味なので)kitty kittyのほうがオリジナルの日本語版により忠実に翻訳したともいえます。

It was actually "koneko" in japanese, which means kitty. In japanese, it makes sense since ko-ne-ko backwards is still ko-ne-ko, but in english, it makes no sense, so they switched it to "was it a cat I saw" since it made more sense. so techinically, kitty kitty is a better translation of the original japanese version


サンクス。でも、字幕の「was it a cat I saw」のほうが気が利いてて賢い翻訳だと思いますね。

Thanks. Sub titled one was a lot more clever though. 


Good guy ice cream man.


That icecream guy is so nice XD



A responsive answer to a question, either by saying mhmm as in "yes" or "suuuure"
(Urban Dictionary)