



・うわ 彼女の声優としてのキャリアに今後重大なダメージがありそう。
Damn, her career is now in serious danger.


It might take a hit but I think she should be fine.
Been to her concerts and events recently and it's almost always sold out ):
She has built up a large enough loyal fan base over the last 12 years~~


Awww, congrats to her <3 hope that doesn't stop her from doing plenty of VA works since I quite like her voice haha.

I only know her as Yui, but I can tell she is definitely gifted from that role alone.
Awesome to hear.

can tell=自信をもって言える
alone=唯一の 独特の

Seeing lots of news about seiyuus getting married nowadays. Congrats and good luck to them.


Wish her all the best! Glad she wants to stay in the business.

wish her all the bestの訳についてはこちらを参考にしました。

Such a wonderful news! I hope she remains with the industry for a long, long time!

Congratulations to her! I hope she will be happy.


Hikasa Yoko, Sato Satomi and Toyosaki Aki... 3 member of K-On get married now.
ps: i'm jealous with their husband, lucky guys



Well, they usually get married around late 20's or early 30's to late 30's and she's turning 31 in 2 days so yeah.

So happy for her ♥ Congrats to one of my favorite seiyuu, I wish her all the best and a life full of happiness.

so happy forの訳についてはこちらを参考にしました。

Oh dear God, it's that time again, announcing marriages that happened in secret. Hopefully the fans understand and Aki's happy in her marriage. I do fear the day when Nana Mizuki or Yukari Tamura get married.

oh dear godの訳についてはこちらを参考にしました。


You've forgotten Hocchan :3 But who knows though, they might be secretly married or something like that.


Congrats to her, i hope she make a lot of kids.


Congratulations but pretty sure there was a news article which she was being stalked. Now this news will bring some fans something malicious

maliciou=害を及ぼそうとする 悪意のある


Whoever the dude is, he's currently the luckiest man alive. Getting to hear that voice privately every night, SO JEALOUS.
But congrats to my favourite seiyuu of all time! I'LL SUPPORT YOU FOREVER, TOYOSAKI-SAAAAAAN~

dude=男 野郎


Congratulations! Have a happy married life!

Congrats! I look forward to more voice acting and singing. I love her work!


She have a great voice

I hope your career is not in jeopardy. I wish you a happy marriage :D

jeopardy=危機 危険に晒される