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[Michi gets a strong opening move in]
Me: Nice, I think she's got this just like the past opening matches...or maybe not
[Sanae comes in with a lot of confidence]
Me: Surely, she'll get her first big win now...or maybe not
[Hime gets the flashbacks and the episode title focused on her in possibly her final match]
Me: That means she has to win, right? Right...dang it!
Well, at least Hiura prevented them from getting swept. Hiura, I know next week in the final episode of the season, and you're going 1 on 4 with the tournament favorites, but I believe in you.

Hiura was pushed to actually try with the starter if the other people are on a similar level I'm not sure if she can solo the entire team.



As I mentioned in my other reply, I don't think she can do it. It would be cool but too predictable, and I think this show has showed us that it's not playing by the tropes. This actually makes the show more exciting and interesting.
I think Emma will take her out and then they will face against Amane's team in the finals while Michi and Hime cheer them on.
It would be wild if Towa did sweep all of them and then the next season would open up with the rivalry but I just don't see that happening.
I feel they will lose and it will set up the fight between the 2 strongest teams.
I don't think there is enough time to show both Emma and the final matches as its still 5 people.

I give her about a 5% to pull it off, even with the sports anime bonus points going for her. My guess is she exerts her all beating the next girl and then loses to the third girl.

We had the mc monologue, the flashback, the cheers and everything but all three still lost. I like it this way though, really keeps you guessing on who will win. I actually can't say for sure if we'll get the Hiura sweep or not.

I thought it was going to be Sanae's moment to shine... There is no way Towa is going to win against the rest of the team.

This episode showed the tough part of Judo. That's why I like this anime.

Thought that this will be the final episode. Glad there's more. I think that Towa will tie or lose here.

It was frustrating to see them go down one by one, but I did like the realism there. While they worked hard training, those higher league girls probably trained even harder being in a bigger program with a professional athlete coach.

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Michi's still got a lot of room for growth with her techniques to make use of her flexibility. But Hiura's talent is quite something. She was able to beat Amane and Odagiri when she was still a white belt for a reason. She's got the best intuition out of the group and a variety of techniques to weaponize it. Though she didn't mean it, but her mocking smile after the victory was a nice little payback.

One more episode, I'm looking forward to it. Even if Hiura goes down, it will definitely still be a great match. I'm predicting that it's going to be a draw against the blonde girl.

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The blonde girl kinda reminds me of Miu from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. Can't wait to see her in action against Hiura next week

The anime has one episode left but I'm already missing these girls

Waiting for Towa-chan to take the stage had Blue Lock levels of hype for me, ngl. I actually really liked the super rookie girl, hope we get to see more of her in future arcs.

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These girls love to spank each other's booty!
Final episode's next week, I'm gonna miss these girls.

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Yeah, even Sensei is in on it...

Hiura with the accidental stink eye lmao

Those Tachikawa Gakuen are fking strong. They're in a different league from everyone else.

The tough part was that the Odagiri girl wasn't tired at the end of the 3rd match, while Tsumugi was dead tired in the end.

I thought it was a pretty mature take on Hime tried her hardest but sometimes it just isn't enough.

I don't care about the tournament anymore. I'm just glad that arrogant brat finally ate some tatami. Way to go, Towa!

She really took out most the team, the ace got her tho! Hyped for our ace vs the blonde girl. Ippon!
The matches are exciting! I'm on the edge of my seat holding my breath! Take 'em all down Hiura!

Damn that was frustrating. Michi, Sanae and Hime all tried their best but still lost. It's upto Hiura now to defeat them all, can she do it?



Glad to see everyone cheering for Michi! She has a tendency to turn any former opponent into a friend. How the hell did Michi get out of that arm lock? Girl’s really flexible. But man, in the end she still lost. Great effort though! Well, at least the girls are fired up.
Hime and Amin have a very cute friendship. I hope she can still face her at some point. She was damn close in that match! She really gave it her all.
It’s all down to Towa now. Everyone’s losses have been valuable lessons for her match. They didn’t lose for nothing! That’s twice Odagiri got owned by Towa. Seems she’s gotten herself a new rival.
With only one ep left, I don’t see this really wrapping up. I sure hope we get another season soon. This has been unexpectedly quite fun and very cute.

The finale beckons...will Towa do the impossible to take down the rest of Tachikawa Academy? I hope so.

For next week, it will be all about Towa's battle. I can't wait to see her true power! My guess is she'll take down 4 and lose against the 5th, but it could really go in any direction.


Can't believe Ippon Michi, Neo Sanae, and Hime chan got beaten that quickly, but their Ace finally broke the enemy streak... and made another enemy just like back with Amane...

This show really makes me want to get back into judo. Haven't done it since middle school but I bet the muscle memory is still there.

Now I just want to see Towa getting 5 ippon and getting a plate.



