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Sanae's fight felt really intense and was exciting to watch. You could feel her struggle and pain and determination. Both of them actually.

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Sae going for the Ippon instead of wearing down Megu was great. Too bad she still ended up losing because of the foul.
Hime is a beast though! Glad to see what our Senpai is capable of <3
And of course, we have Towa-chan finishing the match with her own Ippon.

She didn't lose because of a foul, she lost cause Megu got awasete ippon which means she got 2 wazari. the 2nd one she got was because she pinned Sanae for more than 10 seconds (but less than 20, since 20=ippon).

Ooohh! I thought that was a tie. Thanks for the clarification!

How did Sae get a foul? I missed that, I guess. I was amazed that she held out so long and fought back so doggedly. Pretty impressive job.

She got a foul because she didn't "attack" for an extended period of time

This show is so criminally underwatched!!! So so good. I wish more ppl would watch it

Been happening with many shows this season. Revengers is peak, but ain’t no one watching it


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Fat girl characters who aren't there to be the butt of jokes are so rare, and so beautiful. Stay perfect, Megu.

Who are those others? I only know two unfortunately 


Yes! Megu is perfect. Her hairstyle was so cute as well!

A 1 episode match where we get to see all 4 girls involved?? That was great pacing.

It felt a little off that we only really got to see one girl from the other side fight. Michi's 2 wins were pretty much off-screened, while Himeno's and Towa's wins against the last 2 opponents were shown for very little time as well. Sanae and Himeno's fights were pretty cool though.

I think that's fine. There's no end of possible opponents, after all, since you can get as many as the story needs. So while it's important for all the main cast character to get their time to shine, for the opponents, it's more important to have them been varied and take time to show their resolve and techniques, than to spend time on all of them.
It was actually more noticeable in the previous episode with the second fight, because the team as a whole was given a bit more background.

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Flying armbar is never not cool.


there gotta be a rule against a 70 something kg fighting girls that weight about 40 kg lmao

The Kinshuki is an open weight class tournament. Other judo tournaments (such as in the Olympics and the World Judo Championships) have weight classes.

you learn something new everyday

After this competition, Anna will have to step in to replace Senpai. It is great for Senpai to have such hard-working and determined kouhaI for her swan song.
It's too bad so few people have woken up to the awesomeness of this (and Tsurune 2).


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Fantastic episode. It was really nail-biting intense, exciting and very well paced, with more action and character development than 50 episodes of some Shounen like DBZ.
These girls are awesome. I loved all the little heads of each girl they had popping up at crucial moments to add their own excitement or make commentary.
That flying armbar was hella cool too.
Secret Weapon Senpai got some nice moves!

I love these girls. Tears in my eyes throughout the episode.

I consider this anime a hidden gem, one that people will discover with time and then wonder why there weren't more seasons. All of the characters are compelling, even the opponents from other schools. And Michi is just such a great character. She never gives up and she easily befriends others. I love how when she lost, she's smiling. She loves the sport and she doesn't let her pride get in the way of acknowledging and celebrating an opponent's win.
Ippon Again needs to be more popular than it is.

It was really nice to see Sanae and Himeno get their time to shine this episode as they'd gotten the least focus of the 5 so far. It will be interesting to see how the team stacks up against a true contender. I've got a feeling Towa's going to have to come up big.

i love this anime I think it would be even better if there was an explanation of the rules of judo.

でもルールはインターネットで調べられるぞ、自分自身「judo shido」でググってそれがペナルティの一種だとわかった。
It's not explained probably because most japanese already know the rules since it look like they practice it in schools (source Nagatoro)
But you can find the rules on the internet, I just googled "judo shido" and found out that it was a form of penality

Such a great episode, both teams did really well, now they're facing one of the hardest opponent they've faced.

