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I can't really tell exactly what it is about the characters but I absolutely adore their character designs. The animation is pretty solid too! All of the judo scenes are fast-paced and well-animated.
As for the characters themselves, I already like Michi. It was nice to see her fall in love with Judo again after that hilarious ippon that she got from the girl that beat her back in her last match.
I am curious about Anna though! We get to see her hanging out with the judo club in the opening scene. Does that mean she eventually switches sports? Anyway, this seems to be a fun CGDCT. I would definitely like to see more of it!

They're very normal realistic looking girls, as opposed to anime looking moe girls.

>I can't really tell exactly what it is about the characters but I absolutely adore their character designs
They're stockier than your usual anime girls which makes sense for characters who perform martial arts.

stocky=がっちりした ずんぐりした

Depends on the martial art. Wushu and taekwondo practitioners for example are usually on the lean side, but judoka are mostly on the stocky side


>Anyway, this seems to be a fun CGDCT
This really isn't a CGDCT, its more of a sports anime.

CGDS, Cute Girls Doing Sports?

CGDCT - cute girls doing club things


What a nice start. Glad I gave this one a chance.
Animation is looking really good.

I'm sorry for disrespecting the studio. They really did fantastically adapting this intro, especially the judo parts. Wow...I was impressed with Michi's ippon.



that was good! the animation went a bit harder than i expected which is always a good thing, and i appreciate the realistic-looking fights, and girls tbh! The character designs arent over-moeified lol while still being reasonably cute.
i however know not a single lick of judo, so will appreciate if the anime did give an ELI5 next episode lol
Ayasa Itou as a main character is a treat!
what actually is the normal minimum amount of people a club needs? i recognize that in anime/manga its however-many-needed-for-the-main

>what actually is the normal minimum amount of people a club needs?
Usually 4 or 5. I've seen it be as low as 3.

r (1)
あの綱引きはなかなか面白かった。あの場に早苗がいなかったら迫力満点の投げを見ることはできなかったろう。未知はまた柔道部に入ってくれそうだね!r (2)
Poor Michi got too excited and let her guard down and got choked tf out lol. Sanae seems like a really good friend. I like Nagumo too, her and Sanae seem to be good kids.
The tug of war with Michi was pretty funny. If it wasn’t for Sanae, we wouldn’t have gotten that pretty dope throw sequence. Guess she’s joining the judo club again!
I’ve never seen an anime about adorable girls doing judo before. I dig it, it looks very promising!


このアニメはどちらかというとCGDCTというより、Do It YourselfやスーパーカブのようにCute Girls Doing 'Cool' Thingsというジャンルに分類されるんじゃないかな。この2つの作品と同じぐらい楽しめたらいいな。
I am always open to watching a seasonal CGDCT and this seems to fit the ticket. I like the style of the characters and the personalities of the main cast already. I don't know much about judo, but I guess I will learn a bit.
I think this sort of may fall more under the subgenre of Cute Girls Doing 'Cool' Things, a la Do It Yourself and Super Cub. Hoping I enjoy this as much as those two.

fit the ticketがよくわからないけど文脈から「相性が良い」と訳しました。

Judo animation is really well done. Looking forward to more character introduction.

Especially that last sequence with the throw, it was quite good.

I am still curious about plot but art wasnt for me.



I like it so far, cgdct is my kind of jam and I grapple myself, so I am quite happy to see grappling animated, as its usually the striking arts that get all the glory.
Also, this will be a good opportunity to learn all these complicated throw names in japanese, sadly bjj is very lax in its nomenclature, we basically have a minimum a japanese, portuguese and english name for every hold or throw, its honestly a mess.
Really looking forward to this. One question to the judokas, why the heck wears everyone a black belt. I know that judo and karate tend to be pretty fast (friends got theirs in maybe 4-5 years, but the judoka was in national youth selection camps, so pretty dedicated), but 2,5 years in middle school? Or is it just for the visual effect and representation?

national youth selection camps←ググってもよくわからなかったので適当に訳しました。

There is a pretty odd split between Eastern and Western judo. Belts in Japan have a different meaning than in the West for Judo. Most places in Japan only have two belts, white and black. The requirements for getting them are more knowing all of the standard throws and the basics vs being an expert.
With that in mind, I think it's realistic that these middle schoolers would have black belts, but they also don't mean the same thing. The equivalent to what you're thinking of would be a 3rd-degree black belt in Japan.

Thank you for educating me, that’s pretty interesting. I know of various phrases about a black belt being only the beginning, or that black belts have understood the basics of their art, but its really different, even if I believe you, it just feels weird to me, because our black belts are basically monsters who can toy with me however they like. The skillgap is just so massive

Wow, this reminded me of my (short-lived) judo days. That judo fight animation was on point. Can't wait to see what kind of show this is

The last Judo Anime I watched was Yawara! and that was great, but I think this will be a little different since in that the MC was like an Isekai heroine OP as f@#$ and the only one that could beat her was her grandpa.

I'll take the opportunity that we have a new girl focused judo show (which might be pretty good) to recommend everyone here 1989's Yawara.

this is gonna be the sleeper hit of the season I'm calling it now
anzai yukari (sanae/twintails glasses) is gonna be unearthed as a star

sleeper hitには「発売当初は人気がでなかったが徐々に口コミで人気になっていた作品」という意味もあるのでそっちの意味かも?

Could this be the next Bocchi the rock? Doubt it but the animations look smooth and i hope it surpasses its expectations.

This was enjoyable. Not sure I'll watch it weekly, but I'll definitely finish.

Sanae reminds me so much of Homura before depression. Already best character just because of that.
Incredibly solid first episode. It exceeded my expectations by a large margin.


I thought “judo” … not interested
BUT … this is a really good story and might be one of this season’s sleepers … not my graphics/anime style BUT kind of like Bocchi .. just really like it for unknown reasons!

This Winter 2023 Season anime we got a lot of Isekai shows but this one is one of the few sports show and for me it didn't disappoint! cute and wholesome! i hope the girls would have a lot of fun competing and lessen the pain and being unconscious! lolz




