
r (5)
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Eating a humanoid creature like an orc just feels wrong. There's a reason we don't eat monkeys.

I mean I guess it’s a matter of perspective. Way I see it, orcs are just bipedal pigs. Seems with the way this world works, all monsters are just seen as animals. They’re all edible. Ogres, orcs, goblins, chimeras etc. are all just food. When in Rome I guess?

いきなり最後にWhen in Romeってきて焦ったけど「When in Rome, do as the Romans do(ローマではローマ人がするようにせよ) 」=「郷に入れば郷に従え」だと思うので上のように訳しました。

The difference is that orcs organize in groups, have a hierarchy, and use if not rely on tools. They have the intelligence to do that. So to us it seems like they’re almost like more barbaric humans, just in pig form.
Although one can argue that those larger monsters are also highly intelligent in the same well Fel can is with his ability to use human speech, but maybe it’s the humanoid appearance combined with intelligence that makes me personally uneasy if I were in that world.

To be honest, since in this kind of fantasy series/Books/games orcs are always the ones that attack and eat/kill humans, I think it's was interesting seeing that the roles were reversed for once

"Orcs are a delicacy" is not a sentence I expected to ever see from a isekai/fantasy show lol

r (2)
How about "orc testicles are an important ingredient in aphrodisiacs"?

aphrodisiacでググると「媚薬 催淫薬」とでるけどここでは精力剤と訳しました。似たようなもんか?

People in the real world have done similar things with animal testicles so that parts actually the most believable

r (4)
I didn't realize he can straight up order take-out, lol.


It is the typical Japanese way to go the the nearby store and buy the daily meal. Good to go, or maybe a minute of microwave. We see that all the time on anime, no?
You probably can also buy food ready to eat at your major supermarket, no? It has become quite common across the world. Not Japanese level, but common enough.
Well I do my own cooking, so I don’t use it lol.

In many US supermarkets, it's common to have a cold case with salads or sandwiches, a section with hot foods (mostly fried stuff), and maybe a sushi stand as well. Some even do pizzas and the like.

A lot of places do rotisserie chicken: Big enough for a small family, under $5, and ready to eat. It's a loss leader, priced very competitively to bring customers in with the understanding that most people will end up buying a bunch of other stuff since they're already in the store.
ロスリーダー(英: loss leader)とはマーケティング用語の一つで、小売店において集客を目的として、採算を度外視して極めて価格が安く設定された商品を指す。


It's common but there are two key differences as I see it.
First is that the premade stuff in the grocery is far from economical with very few exceptions (the rare loss leader like rotisserie chickens). You're paying a high premium for the convenience.
Second is that grocery stores are typically out of the way for most people. Japan has a much higher density so it's much more feasible to stop in at the grocery on the way home and such. Here in North America, it's an entire dedicated trip, not much of a convenience.


lol, Fenrir moving the plate like what some cats and dogs do when they're asking for more food

I loved that little detail

r (6)

r (5)
Perception of Orcs before this Anime:
Perception of Orcs after this Anime:

Orcs? More like Porc.


Once you start to think about them as bidepal pigs...
Although a certain show with their bipedal sheep might make me be cautious of someone using that term.

Which show?


r (8)
I've a mix feeling about orc meat, but wagyu looks really delicious.

Orc meat look good, but... no. I really never want to taste it


One day I've got to try some Japanese wagyu meat

Orc testicles used for an aphrodisiac… interesting. The power of wagyu is something, I mean it certainly is tasty. The cooking segments feel a bit repetitive, Fel doesn’t describe the food much or savor it so it just feels filler like at times. Still enjoyable but I hope they do more than cook in the near future or at least add more party members to enjoy the food. 

i guess there is no need to worry about money now

The ED looks nice - almost like a Western storybook.

ノンクレジット版がMAPPAのYou Tubeチャンネルにある。


Non Credit Version on Mappa's youtube channel.
Non Credit OP

r (7)
Is this the first time we're seeing the ED? Really like the style, feels a bit like a mix of Garfield and Scooby doo

I just find the very overt product placement in this show absolutely hilarious! There's no reason for those cans to be all facing the camera but I guess that's part of the contract of using official brand and product names. xD



This week's featured product placement is Kagome Meat Sauce. Suntory Natural Water makes an appearance again, this time in big bottle (2 Liter?) version.
Kraft-Heinz is a sponsor but they didn't use the Kraft brand on that powdered cheese. Apparently it is marketed by Morinaga in Japan instead.


Really didn't expect to enjoy this isekai so much lol


The ending credits style looks nearly exactly the same as the ending credits from Tangled these ending credits

Another great episode that looks so delicious. I can't help but get hungry every time I watch this show. Feru is a great companion. Love him alongside Mukoda.


