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Isekai Ojisan's most powerful.. His middle school homeroom teacher. Never change.
Also that moment when the illusion breaks down. So many great laughs. Good to have this back, been way too long.
Poor Mabel though.

At first I thought he was going to transform to the tsundere elf, but the middle school teacher was even better lol

Mable's chuckle is so cute...

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It was nice to see Hero's party acknowledging his presence in the dungeon. Ojisan nearly wiped them clean again, lol, but just in the nick of time.

Another great episode! Finally!!!
I'm glad to see Alicia and co. in this episode!
I'm also glad to see Mabel-chan in this episode, her expressions are really endearing to see but unfortunately, we didn't get to see Elf-chan (only in the ED but that's okay as well).

I never know what to expect from this show, but I am getting some good life lessons:
Never underestimate a 90’s middle school teacher.
When life is tough, become a lizard.

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Lol I'm a millenial and went through the 90s, least here in the states. My experience with US 90s teachers was that most boomers were either apathetic to everything around them and just going through the motions, or genuinely decent teachers.
Basically the best depiction of teachers I remember from the 90s was Ms Krabappel from the simpsons. I had so many teachers who were just like her, least till I hit 8th grade or so.
Guess japanese teachers were brutal is all, lol.

90s teachers would beat the shit out of you if you said anything they didn't like. Silence was the only way.


I did a bit of googling, don't read the source if fatality specifics make you uncomfortable, I'll just quote a few of the non-lethal mentions.
″Teachers often slap, punch, kick,″ said Morikatsu Imahashi, an opponent of corporal punishment who teaches at Ibaraki University in Mito, 60 miles northeast of Tokyo.
Imahashi demonstrated with his hands how teachers sometimes clap their hands suddenly over students’ ears. Fujii, the writer, said the practice broke the eardrum of a friend.
Five deaths from corporal punishment were reported in 1985-1987. After a student’s death in 1988, the Education Ministry advised schools to ease their rules.
Source: https://apnews.com/article/abf90b680060dcf5d9fd1e9bfd924eba
It sounds like corporal punishment used to be common there.
Dang I got all sad reading these articles. :(

Holy crap, that puts even catholic schools from the 60s/70s to shame even! My dad said the worst he got was getting yanked to the principles office by the year or getting rulers broken over his knuckles; ya know stuff that will bruise at most but not really injure, but that's next level stuff right there!

getting rulers broken over his knucklesがよくわからなかったので「定規で拳を叩く」と訳しました。素直に訳したら「拳の上で定規を破壊する」という意味不明な文章になってしまったので・・・間違っていたら教えてください。「定規が壊れるまで拳を叩きつける」って意味かと思ったけどそれはそれでなんだか過激すぎる気がするし、いちいち定規を壊すって過程がもったいないくて意味不明だし


Alien Soldier reference at the part where the guards realize that the fight between Uncle and Mabel is just an illusion.

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That's the video I showed my wife when this came up.
It's funny because anyone who plays this game probably fights that boss exactly the way it was depicted in the show - floating at about head level to the boss and hitting it with sword or lancer force.

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the sensei slapping was absolutely hilarious. especially the garbled mess of nonsense "debating" in between the slaps. uncle slapping the pink haired knight, showing us that he's a true believer in gender equality.
truly the best anime this season or past season.

Nah, the teacher is the true believer.

the slap scene reminds me of when Seiya (cautious hero) slapped the princess

ojisan called mabel cute. thats a win for mabel.

good thing Tsundere Elf wasn't around to hear that one.

My NEET with a superiority complex can't be this cute!


Holy shit, Tabuchi-sensei is too powerful.

I don't see it on Netflix yet. How long until it pops up?

Two weeks after JP release, probably - if they keep the same schedule as before. Right now only fansubbed release is available.

Fucking netflix screw schedule
They even destroy half jojo meme and fanbase by make it batch


Guess that is how i'm gonna win arguments from now on, slap the shit out of the other person. Ojisan, very educational as always!

Lmao, I missed this show. So good to have it back now and with manga-based subs instead of next week's Netflix!

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Mabel and Uncle sitting on the sides fighting using illusions was amusing. It's too bad Mabel ended up getting fired in the end considering how happy she was with the job.
Also, I was not expecting Tabuchi-sensei to be so OP.

Yeah, she was so happy with this job that she was frequently late to, left early from, and often didn't even show up to. Her lack of will to fix these problems was part of why she got fired.

So happy Ojisan is back, sad we didn't get any tsundere elf, glad we got some Mabel.

I miss tsundere elf as well

Tabuchi sensei is da goat


Ojisan this episode


Mabel once again is now unemployed XD


And then they turned into raptors, funniest shit I've ever seen


Worth the wait.

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It's finally back and with little to no change in the quality of the animations and jokes are on point.
Maybe the studio got a sterned talked to by Tabuchi-sensei:

bro the raptors at the end i laughed so hard




