
s (1)


Watching this show is actually getting me more interested and excited for the World Cup.

They timed it perfectly.

Especially with Japan upsetting Germany.


Never underestimate listless characters. They're always tired because they only use their energy when it truly matters.

Raichi being always angry every week, and even ready to kill Kuon, is really growing on me.

"Let's start by taking turns punching him" made me laugh so hard.

I found him annoying at first, but he's really starting to grow on me...

Bakugo 2


Same hair color too

Inosuke 2


So this latest team confirms that BL is a BL after all...

Bachira has already had that vibe with Isagi for a little while now lol

They want to see each others "monsters"

そうそう「Pocket Monster」は海外では男性器を表す隠語だから向こうでは正式名称が「Pokémon」に変更されてたんよなって思ったけど、改めて調べたら「Pocket Monster」に男性器の意味はないらしい。


質問「pocket monsterはペニスのスラングの意味があるから任天堂はpocket monsterをpokemonに変更したと聞いたことがあるけど、pocket monsterはペニスって意味になるの?」

英語のネイティブスピーカーでスラングにもかなり詳しいけど「Pocket Monster」を性的な意味で使ったことも、人が使っているのも聞いたことがない。ただ自分はまだ19歳なのでもしかしたら年配の方はそういう使い方をする人もいたかもしれない。だからあくまでこれは自分の経験上の話ね。
I'm a native English speaker and I'm quite familiar with various slang terms but I can't say I've ever heard the term "Pocket Monster" in a sexual sense :O But I'm only 19 so maybe some of the older folks have heard of it. This is just from my experience.

I'm not a native speaker but I've conversed with many - from all walks of life. I'd have to say no, never heard it used as a reference to penis, or any sexual innuendos.
But I can see why it might be. Pretty good for a laugh.
"I think my pocket monster is 'evolving'!"

s (4)
They made Kuon sleep at the corner lol, that was funny

Deserved tbh

The fact that that's all the punishment he got from Team Z and some Raichi threats is so light compared to Team W stomping him out. Isagi protecting Kuon right before their final match was so wholesome for Blue Lock, too lol


Wholesome sure but c'mon Isagi, this guy deserves at least a couple punches.

I crack up every time I hear 'Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight' trying to kill Kuon every five seconds! 🤣

That's not him

You're right! I always thought it was Bakugo, but after reading your comment, I checked and it was actually Awase Yousetsu of Class B in Boku no Hero Academia!

If you watch Demon Slayer, it's Boar Head too

why is the art and animation so bad in ep8



I'm assuming Kuon is going to need to step up for them to succeed here. 10 on 11 with 3 heavy hitters on the 11 is pretty bad odds otherwise. Plus it's probably the only way they'd ever accept him back into the fold.
Isagi is a pretty good protagonist, but his surprised reactions are a little old. At this point you'd think he'd be prepared for an enemy to counter something.
Bachira continues to be best boy.

I think Isagi is moreso surprised to see Reo and Nagi copy their exact strategy perfectly on the next play after only seeing it one time.

Not really their entire strategy, just the hyper long pass

if Kuon gets a 10 minute flashback showing his troubled past to garner sympathy from the viewer for why he betrayed his team before rejoining and having a key role in their victory, I'm going to be mildly annoyed

He's either going to get redeemed or after the first selection ends, Barou is going to take his place.

"Emperor Goal Range"
This is Sports Anime at its finest. I just love how exaggerated everything is with or without logic.

I wonder when the characters realize that every player they have encountered so far is basically garbage in comparison to the top-ranked players.

Yeah, Nagi is seen as a monster but according to his ranking, there are 220 players even better, what was Barou's rank anyway?

I don't think the ranking is as straightforward as it seems, otherwise most of the named characters so far would be in team V. There is no way Banchira is worse than some nameless guy in team V. If that's the case the fact that Ego ranked Banchira lower means that Ego isn't as great at judging these kid as he himself believe, and I don't think that's what the show is going for.

Great time to watch Blue Lock after seeing my country of Argentina win their game against Mexico, this anime really makes me more interested and hype about football lol


Definitely looks a bit wonky at times, parts of the episode might be outsourced

s (2)
Is funny how Barou is the top scorer of Building 5 yet outside the first match Team X always lost

Just means his team is crap at defending and one striker cant actually carry 10 monkeys by himself

。おいちょっと待て、たった今気づいたんだがBlue Lockって略すとBLじゃないか。
Now wait a goddamn fucking minute. I just realized that Blue Lock can be shortened with just BL.
It all makes sense now. Hohw was I so blind.

s (3)
yo reo's mom sounds like yor

Same VA. Saori Hayami has been everywhere lately.

Yooooooo, why is Hayami Saori voicing some nameless background character?!

s (6)
Honestly makes no sense how someone who started playing football at the age of 16-18 can have Zidane control already lol.
But we aren't here for the realism anyway we are here for the HYPE

  • 盛り上がる
  • 興奮する
  • ワクワクする
  • 楽しみにしている
  • テンションがあがる
  • ハイになる


I hope he has a good backstory that ties together his "too much trouble" attitude with his insane ball control. I think this series has so far been great with giving backstories to even minor characters so I hope it's one that makes sense for someone as godly as Nagi.

You already have his backstory, he's that trope of mc that never joined a sport club but suddenly get scouted and ends up carrying the team all the way to nationals minus the lose first year tournament arc

Nagi’s kinda like how hinata was just naturally really gifted at jumping making him perfect for volleyball but then unlike hinata didn’t fall in love with socccer/have drive to excel in his sport so far.

・Nagi is best boy

s (5)
omg Nagi kinda sounds like Gudetama from the way he speaks... mendoukusai


