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... I want the over-the-top fun back, please. I didn't sign up for these emotions!
Color me surprised that Nerula truly was a friend and never betrayed Nagomi. But could we stop the Nagomi pain train now? Pretty please?
Oh and what kind of accent does Manami have?
Also, did the lyrics for the ED change or was I just not paying attention?

It's the second half of the full ED track, which is rarely used, if at all, in actual anime.

愛美の声優はユリン千晶、広島県の呉出身、だから愛美も広島弁で喋っていたでほぼ間違いない。これは深作欣二のヤクザ映画シリーズ「仁義なき戦い(Battles Without Honour and Humanity)」の舞台が広島なのでそれにちなんでのものだろう。
>Oh and what kind of accent does Manami have?
Manami's seiyuu is Yurin Chiaki, who is from Kure, Hiroshima-ken, so I'm fairly certain Manami is speaking Hiroshima-ben. This is a reference to Fukasaku Kinji's yakuza film series, Jingi Naki Tatakai (Battles Without Honour and Humanity), since the series is set in Hiroshima.

Oh, so it's another case of the show using a voice actor's natural accent/language? Neat.


There’s also the fact that the Hiroshima accent sounds extremely intimidating to many Japanese.
It’s hard to equate in English, but because of the gritty and extremely selfish yakuzas from Jingi Naki Tatakai, that image has stuck among the Japanese public. Kinda like the NY/NJ Italian American accent a lot of people have gotten used to hearing from The Godfather/Goodfellas/Sopranos etc.

this is making me remember that the director is the same dude who directed bunny girl senpai. The melancholy and suffering seems to infest on this show more and more. like seriously at the start of the show i was just laughing so much on how absurd it is. And as it goes own i just realize how depressing a situation they are in. and not something to laugh at. Man Nagomi is just getting a gutpunch every episode, she needs a hug. :(

This ep was the remainder that we are watching a yakuza series

yakuza seriesは龍が如くシリーズって意味かも


Nagomi literally throwing death flags in Nerura's face the whole episode until it happened. I wonder if "character development" will happen to Nagomi or she will keep her innocence.

Nagomi's story is very reminiscent of Ranko's origin story...
So she may follow the same path!
To be honest I DO hope she loses her innocence then, because if she doesn't, I fear they may go to the next step to make it happen (Ranko's death).

I can kind of see the series ending with a flash forward with Nagomi returning like Ranko did, showing that it will all repeat itself

or Nagomi going to change how Maid works, make them work just luke how we see Maid in real life. since the story is set in 1999 so there's a possibility this story about the dark past of Maid in Japan.

As painful as this episode was, I think it was actually the best one so far. While we have been able to enjoy the slaughter so far -- I think it was valuable for the show to make clear that gang warfare (and the human toll it takes) is not just fun and games. For those interested, I'd recommend people look at Imamura's Pigs and Battleships, which deals with the yakuza in immediate postwar Yokosuka (Kanagawa). It has a very similar blend of over-the-top craziness (including lots of humor) and deep pain.


The comedy tag is pretty off-putting after this episode. There's really nothing funny about it.

r (2)
Previously because of the musical shootout in episode 1. Though Manami breaking the glass window on her limousine made me laugh somehow.

God this episode make me hate Ranko so much,she could help but instead she choose to do nothing
"It NoT OuR BuSiNeSs" bruh that bitch is trying to destroy your cafe
If you kill that bitch,there will be no war


Rip nerura-chan. Tho i must say the manager's attitude was really off putting. Glad that nagomi was firmly against using nerura as a spy thru her sisterhood bond . Nerura's death must have left a huge scar on Nagomi.... probably a huge character development in next episode?

>Tho i must say the manager's attitude was really off putting.
Par for the course, considering the last five episodes. I know she'll probably survive the show, but I kinda wish she wouldn't.

Manager-san is the real villain of the anime lol

r (3)
Getting an episode from Akiba Maid War that made me sad was the biggest twist of all.
I kept trying to figure out if the baseball bat is a movie reference. Al Capone killed someone with a baseball bat in Untouchables, and there was an Irish gangster who killed people with a shillelagh (a kind of club) in Gangs of New York.

Don't think it's a reference - if anything, baseball bats were actually a pretty convenient weapon for Japanese criminal gangs including the yakuza, considering how easy and cheap is to get it with Japanese obsession over baseball - while getting the actual firearms and ammo in Japan is way, way harder.

r (5)
This EP has the most Yakuza vibes out of all the eps. I also laughed my ass out when they drank ramen soup instead of sake as a ritual of sisterhood 🤣


Nerula... what a foolish gal... I wasn't prepared for the feels.

all the shits that manager did is nothing compare to this ep. she exploited Nagomi and Nerura die for Nagomi. wtf is this bullshit code that Ranko is talking about.
Nagomi's sister is about to die who the fuck care about the Maid code. Isn't saving your oath sister is more important? this ep piss me off.

Same reason why nobody is invading Russia right now.

Saddest death. Even the ending changed. But what will it do to Naomi? Can she stay on her path or will it give birth to the Wild Pig.

r (6)
Too many death flags, it was obvious Nerula was gonna die but it still sucks. RIP Nerula, she was a good sister.

I was definitely expecting Nerula to turn on Nagomi at some point. I wonder if this is gonna be Nagomi's turning point, or if she's gonna find a way to do something without violence.
I'm really wondering who allowed that manager to get to her position.

r (4)
Episode made me think of the Yakuza Papers films with the brotherhood/sisterhood and one of them dying plotline, I love this show so much. Doing a Sakazuki blood oath using a bowl of ramen had me cracking up.

Yakuza Papers=仁義なき戦いの英題 訳すと「ヤクザの記録」?

As soon as they mentioned sisterhood I saw death flags all over too! Especially in Yakuza type shows where the sworn brother / sister ALWAYS dies!!! And it happened! Then the tragic Yakuza music!!

RIP Nerula. She was a sweetheart until the end.





