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t (7)
That entire interception to scoring by Isagi was intense!
Plus that aftermath where Isagi walks in front of a crying kneeling Niko and just takes in the fact that he specifically crushed the dreams of 11 other players is some edgy goodness

t (5)
Niko's pose instantly reminded of this photo that was on so many papers the morning after Brazil-Germany.

Very well said! The entire episode was executed so well it’s really giving me haikyuu vibes in terms of quality.

Story is like reverse haikyu. Instead of building teamwork and power of friendship they’re literally trying to develop the most self-centered player lol.

t (6)
What a goal by isagi,the show is getting more and more hype by the episode! Team V looks very scary..+12 in GD is alot,thats some Man city/Bayern munich level GD lmao

GD=Goal Difference=得失点差

Bachira really is the fujoshi material of the series.
Also, Isagi can finally say goodbye to his Natto days

t (8)
"It feels so good!" had me so hyped

I almost failed NNN when I saw this scene

NNN=No Nut November=11月の間は自慰行為を禁止するという行事(?) ※ちなみにNutは睾丸という意味

I loved Ao Ashi and I was worried I was going to hate this because of a lack of realism, but it just works. Edgelord soccer kids is just so anime in its conception.

edgelord=重度中二病患者 ※これアルクもこの説明で笑ったwただそのままこれで訳すと違和感あるので「イキり」と訳しました。たぶん「これ(重度中二病患者)」に該当するのは「初カキコ・・・ども・・・」(下記参照)あたりなんだろうけど「ブルーロックって別にそうでもないよな?」と思ったので(まあ「俺がキングだ」の人はちょっとだけそっちの匂いがするけど)
t (2)

I treat Ao Ashi as a sports anime. I treat this show as a battle shounen anime.

That's probably the best way to think of it.

thats how i distinguish slam dunk and kuroko

I think of BL as a sports anime, it’s just more about sports psychology rather than sports mechanics.

t (1)
"I refuse to do anything that can be done by others"
Ego is a whole mood.

the OST is underrated, i really love it

オープニングは今期一番好き🥰UNISON SQUARE GARDENはすごい歌を作るね。
I think the Opening is my favorite this season🥰Unison Square Garden makes awesome songs.

Yup. I love the "woahwoahwoahahhh" parts in the op so hype.


I've always been a hooper and never really got into soccer (football), but man Aoashi and Blue lock really tempting me to go learn even though I'm an adult now lol.

Well with the world cup coming up in a few weeks its a good time to get into the sport and see if you can develop an interest for the real thing.

From Chigiri's speech to him, I take it that the series is going to develop Isagi into a Thomas Muller type?


Yep. Most characters seems to have a real life counterpart, so far.
Isagi = Thomas Muller
Chigiri = Bale
Baro = Robben
Bachire is the only one I am not sure about

This is my favourite episode so far , i m glad the show is getting progressively less over the top ridiculous and more about actual football games , still hate the blond hair dude , he is just straight up annoying

t (3)



I'm really happy with this anime this season. I don't care about Futball or sport anime (I only watched Captain Tsubasa and Prince of Tennis when I was a kid on tv), but when I saw a TikTok about this series, saying that instead of this being a "Power of Friendship" series it was a "Power of Egoism" kind of thing I was pretty interested.
Not only the character designs are unique, I feel like they are all pretty cool in their own way and the studio has really used Animation resources to make this a visually interesting and unique series.
Can't wait to see more! Specifically how is Isagi gonna win over Chigiri haha, Bachira and Rensuke already like him a lot.
I can't help to think tho, eventually all of them will probably become enemies. Let's see how it continues!

I can't stop watching scene of Isagi's goal, amazing!

damn, isagi's goal was so flipping epic
and chigiri is soo cuuteee

this is sick af and my boy chigiri is finaly here ^^

t (4)
Now it is time for the next match. I wonder if Chigiri will shine in this one.
Also that wasn't Messi ;-;

