
t (1)
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r (1)
Loved the scene where they crashed the motorbike and flew through the air catroonishly, golden kamuy is so good at mixing seriousness with comedy

Koito's father still running with the bike's handlebars, was watching that just thinking how much i love this show

It was a level of Looney Tunes cartoonishness that you usually don't see in anime.

I love how Tsurumi's past isn't revealed in one fell swoop, but in fragments embedded in other character's backstories. You learn more and more about him and how he built the 7th through the stories of his soldiers and other groups he had contact with. It makes him feel so much more of a mastermind, he feels like he's behind the scenes of so much in the series. And despite how much he's shown, we never feel like we know him fully, bc we don't get a full backstory from his perspective, just bits and pieces that we have to connect together.

i’ve been waiting for this backstory to be animated for so long, and they really did it justice!

This backstory is when Koito became one of my favorite characters in the series and one I'm probably one of the most invested in.

t (4)
Most importantly, they adapted the nipple sling scene.

I love that scene, its weirdly wholesome and just shows how close they are now

r (2)
r (1)
Seems there's some confusion, but just to be clear, the "kidnappers" were members of Tsurumi's squad. The dead Russians were taken from the prison, planted, and shot after Koito's dad got knocked out and he was put in a room again.
Ogata is the obvious one. You can see his injured nose matches up with the nosebleed from the masked man. That same man called him a spoiled rich kid in Russian (which was iterated at the end as Koito passes Ogata in the stairway). Ogata also said this to Koito during his escape at the end of last season, specifically to plant the seeds of doubt in Koito's mind.

>The dead Russians were taken from the prison, planted, and shot
Ah the old Gleiwitz special!

r (3)
Something really interesting in this episode is Ogata of all people putting a hand on Koito’s back as a seeming gesture of comfort before he gets headbutted.
Ogata is a man cast aside by his own father even after the death of his older brother who he feels had something Ogata knows he is missing in himself.
That little action at seeing Koito go through something similar adds a really tragic layer to Ogata’s character especially since you can see how much more he resents Koito for his father showing up to save him after all.
This series is so fucking good.

Also the other kidnapper who told them to not to eat anpan had same voice as Tsukishima. He’s also the one on phone saying demand to destroy destroyer and fort.


I thought for once we'd get a normal episode but then that chase scene happened and that nipple sling shot. Lmao
This was a great flashback story. So we now know why Koito is such a fanboy of Tsurumi. But it also further emphasizes how dangerous Tsurumi was and still is. Great protagonists deserve great antagonists. This is why Golden Kamuy works despite its huge cast of wacky characters.

r (4)
Y'know, I consider myself bisexual attracted only to feminine traits but then Tsurumi pulls something like this and I'm not sure anymore.

Personally I consider Tsurumi to be very feminine in a masculine way lmao

In this cast of sexy manly men, Tsurumi is certainly one of them but not like some of the absolute men among men, their balls have balls and their chest hair has chest hair types like Kiroranke or Ushiyama. He's suave, elegant, considerate, a bit in touch with his feminine side.

their balls have balls and their chest hair has chest hair typesがよくわからなかったので雰囲気で訳しました。

Tsurumi has so much charisma. Even in this extremely stacked cast, he's probably my favorite. He is definitely a schemer, but you can also tell that he genuinely cares about people.

Does Tsurumi genuinely care about other people, or is he just so good at appearing that way that he even manages to fool the audience? While Tsurumi does appear to be doing this in order to be a hero at first glance, it's also clear that his goal is to earn the trust and favors from Koito's father, and we've already seen how he leveraged those favors in the story, when he got Koito's father to command 4 destroyers to assault Abashiri in season 2.
To me that's the most compelling piece of Tsurumi. What is his true goal? How much does he genuinely care about the soldiers under his rank, and how is all this just to serve a far more personal and selfish goal?

Yeah, that part's super interesting as well. He goes super far out of his way to acquire loyal followers and treat them well such as here and with Tsukishima. But as you said, we don't know his true goal. He could have honestly even been the protagonist of this story if they wanted to go that way.
The more I see of Tsurumi, the more impressed I am with him.

Is it treating them well when he's personally manipulating and gaslighting them into joining his group? Don't even remember the details of Tsukishima's circumstance but this week he was clearly directly involved in staging the whole kidnapping just so he could use it to get Koito on his side. He might take care of his own once they're under his wing but he's absolutely ruthless in getting them there in the first place.

ガスライティング(英: gaslighting)は心理的虐待の一種であり、被害者に些細な嫌がらせ行為をしたり、故意に誤った情報を提示し、被害者が自身の記憶、知覚、正気、もしくは自身の認識を疑うよう仕向ける手法[1]。wiki

r (2)
Well done backstory and I didn't expect to think of Freddie Mercury watching this but I'll be honest...I miss our main cast

r (4)
Tsurumi definitely looked like he was about to break into a song there.

t (3)
That eyebrows of Koito's mother clearly passed down to him.

Holy shit I love Lt. Tsurumi
Orchestrating this whole thing just to have Koito to sign up at the army is insane and all the little details like leaving the anpan to make sure the connection really sets in

Koito joining his squad was a bonus. His real objective was to get on Koito's father good side and making him own a favor.
Thanks to that, Tsurumi can get a few destroyers with just a call.

As a Koito fan this episode was great. Poor guy suffering from survivors guilt :(

サバイバーズ・ギルト (Survivor's guilt) は、戦争や災害、事故、事件、虐待などに遭いながら、奇跡的に生還を遂げた人が、周りの人々が亡くなったのに自分が助かったことに対して、しばしば感じる罪悪感のこと。wiki

t (2)
For the better or worse Koito's sense of duty is great. Or may just be survivor guilt.The whole run to Fort Goryokaku was just incredible.
If I was that lady, I would never forget that wink.

The fucking wink. lmao

Tsurumi really pulls out all of the stops to build connections.
Having an absolute blast watching this show.

pull out all the stops=最大限努力する 全力を尽くす ※語源は「オルガンのストップ・レバーを全て引くと、あらゆる種類の音を最大の音量で出せることから」らしいけどオルガンのことをよく知らないのでピンとこないw

