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Usami pleasuring himself with the waterfall while moaning… Sugimoto vomitting into Shiraishi's mouth…
This is Golden Kamuy alright

pleasure oneself=自慰行為をする ※なのですが自慰行為と訳すよりもそのまま「喜び」と訳したほうがいいと思ったのでそうしました。大した根拠はないですが「masturbate」という直接的な単語を使っていなかったので

Usami's a real FREAK. He's probably the craziest out of all the 7th and former 7th division characters, and this is a list with characters like Tsurumi, Ogata and Nikaidou. His antics are something to behold.

freak=変人 奇人

Mentioning Ogata along the rest of the nutjobs of 7th is not really fair. He is one of the more sane and normal persons in the anime.

nut-job=頭のおかしい人 変人

It is weird to say it, but, relative to the whackos that comprise the 7th, Ogata is pretty much just your regular, ordinary sociopathic villain.

wacko=変わったやつ おかしなやつ 



I have to say one thing that makes Ogata special to me is he's one of the few sociopathic characters where you see him team up with the protags for a significant period of time and then actually backstab them. I've seen a lot of stories where the protags team up with a sociopath, they stay a sociopath but warm up to the protags and then joins up with them permanently. It's pretty rare to see one go through that same process only to shoot them in the back.
Hell one reason Ogata is such a madlad is that he's the only one crazy enough to backstab literally everyone. Almost everyone else has a faction they're willing to stick by or allies they're inseparable with, but Cat's the only character who's willing to go wherever he wants.


By far the funniest part of the 7th for me is that Tsukishima is in it. The idea of him having to deal with all these wackos is just hilarious to me.

For me its Tsurumi. Being the most deranged psychotic person, still managing to lead the 7th.

Tsurumi's is usually considered the best character in the series. He gets better and better as the series goes and he's already such an interesting and versatile character. Tsurumi is definitely psychotic, but no one can say he isn't a natural leader with his ungodly charisma and 200 IQ plans.

その通り、終盤に入ったときの鶴見 vs 杉元 vs 土方歳三がどんな展開になるのか今から楽しみすぎる。
Yeah I cant wait to see the endgame of the series how the Tsurumi vs Sugimoto vs Hijikata Toshizou will play out.

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Sugimoto feeding Shiraishi like he's a baby bird is not something I expected to see, but its Golden Kamuy so I probably should have.


Yeah a man feeding another man mouth to mouth is pretty tame by Golden Kamuy standards. We've seen both crazier and gayer things at this point.

I was worried they might rush this season but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Yeah it’s really nice to see that they’re taking their time and cleaning up all the things that were skipped/moved around in season 3. If they’re committed to adapting everything left until the end we’re in for so much good stuff

confusing as hell because my brain is like "wait, but this is all out of order" but so much of the story is about setting up important details for later that you really can't skip them

Golden Kamuy doing an onsen episode in typical style
Ariko gotta be the manliest looking baby out there


Always love to see some 7th division antics. Usami is creepy but entertaining in a very Golden Kamuy way.
Poor Tsukishima, always playing the straight man. That bit with the grandma's dumpling was actually kinda disgusting though. Also looks like we'll see some Koito backstory soon, nice.

>That bit with the grandma's dumpling was actually kinda disgusting though.
This show makes me say "hahaha what the fuck" more than any other show.

Made in Abyss is a close second. Only big disadvantage is the lack of episodes for MiA... imagine 4 season from that

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Oh hey, the guys who do the echolocation are back! I was wondering if we'd see them again.
And uhh, I didn't expect Sugimoto to feed Shiraishi like a mama bird feeds her young.
This week in Satoru Noda shenanigans: He recommended a BL



So Noda is really a fudanshi. No wonder why Golden Kamuy feels like a bara manga lol. On a serious note Noda has great tastes ! Yuki to Matsu is an amazing BL and the mangaka Takahashi Hidebu, although she is a BL artist, her art style, plot and story telling lean more towards seinen rather than BL. I highly recommend Yuki To Matsu and Stigmata.

Yeah, I've read the first 2 volumes. It's REALLY good.

Stigmata was great.


So the strange man with the tattoos? He was trying to give information about them to hijikata? Isn’t hijikata searching for the tattoos as well? I’m confused on this part.

The blind guy? He teamed up with Hijikata two seasons ago. It's pretty easy to miss since he's a fairly minor character, but he's in Hijikata's squad.

This was a thrilling episode, almost like a guerilla warfare with fighting in the darkness.


First few and last few minutes were sort of Golden Kamuy exclusive thing. Though nevermind guess we'll have Koito's backstory part next time.

This anime never fails to astonish me.


I'd honestly forgotten that Toni was still alive and thought that we would never see him again, so this was pretty cool even if it was just to kill him off once and for all.
Tsurumi has so many agents looking for the gold now that it's surely only a matter of time before they have all of the tattoos; I'm assuming the introduction of this new character means we're gonna see more of his efforts in conjunction with Tsurumi going forward.

Sugimoto feeding Shiraishi as if they were fucking birds killed my sides lmfao
And that Kikuta "fountain" tho. No comments.

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Bro, this show man lmao. Goddamnit Usami, Goddamnit Sugimoto and Shiraishi. The people Tsukishima has to work with, poor man. Though these 2 new characters trying to go back to Tsurumi seems sane enough.
Aye RIP Toni. That eyepatch fact was mindblowing though lmao, I thought pirates just use em for the drip or they all coincidentally really just have one eye. But it makes a lotta sense, smart.
We back to the Sugimoto gang and they're already doing some weird shit. Looks like Koito episode next, looking forward to that.

