



Last time I asked about what you prefer more, etc, and a significant part of the people seemed not to watch Western content on principle, or at least stopped watching it after the anime.

ちなみにスレタイは「Why exactly do you prefer anime to Western content?(じゃあ欧米のコンテンツよりアニメが好きな理由は?)」。欧米のコンテンツと書いてありますが、大半が欧米のアニメーション(カートゥーン)との比較で語っていたので記事のタイトルを上のようにしました。


Anime has way more variety of choices to watch while most western shows are not super interesting.

cartoons does not have cool action sakuga unlike anime

I prefer anime over cartoons because our animated shows rarely have a consistent story or an episode by episode plot

an episode by episode plotがよくわからなかったので適当に訳しました。間違っていたら教えてください。


Western content is..... western.... So I always try to make an effort to avoid exposing my brain to that crap

It's not woke.
And I basically ran out of anything western worth watching...

woke=目覚めた ※語源はawakeで性差別、人種差別などに対する意識が高いものに使われる形容詞。日本語で言う「意識高い系」みたいな言葉かと思ったけどそういう侮蔑的な意味はどうやらないらしい。

Anime has a lot of variety and is actually entertaining.

Anime have cool action, great story while most of the western cartoons nowadays are mostly comedy

Honestly, I love both of them and cant choose one over another. Closing yourself off to either medium will result in you missing out on some top class shows.

I refuse to watch western animation again and I didn't miss anything. In fact, its better use that time to watch anime rather than lose it with western animation.

OP said western “content” not animation, so I thought he is talking about non animated western material too.
If we only talk about animation, anime hands down. However, when comparing to other western content (amazing hollywood movies and to series like breaking bad) , it gets very hard to choose.

Western content contains too many foreheads, whereas most anime characters have bangs, which make them much more aesthetically pleasing to look at.


Personally I have no idea why some fans seem to treat western series as some kind of sin to watch. Then again, I'm not heavily biased towards either end like those fans are. I'm not afraid to admit that there's been cartoons that I've enjoyed far more than most anime I've seen. Just like there's anime I enjoyed more than most cartoons I've seen.

Sheer variety. Plus I like dark stuff and western animation doesn't always go dark enough for me.

Because anime has dragon ball. Western dragon ball is shit.

欧米のドラゴンボールってなんだろ?アバター 伝説の少年アンのこと?

I wouldn't say I prefer anime to western shows since I enjoy both. But modern western content it's something almost unknown for me, I'm just aware of some old school shows.

Anime have better story in general and a lot of unique perspectives compared to western shows. They really are so creative and so unique its really different from the media I have seen outside of anime.
The emotional impact cannot be understated as I think this can be quite lacking in a lot of shows. When an anime hits you they can be masterful in making you feel so many ways.

Aesthetics and variety. Just seeing the cover art or screenshots of anime has me more interested than most western animation.

Aside from fun and a escape from reality its also because western shit is all full of politics and especially idenitity far leftist politics.

And the other reason is that I just lost interest in western media, and movies in general.


Anime has cute anime girls and non-anime has a distinct lack of cute anime girls.

Mainly because anime has more attractive artstyle and story generally than western cartoons.

I only stick with Anime because of its monopoly on Cute Anime Girls.


"Western content" is pretty broad. Most media that I consume is still mostly made in the west. When it comes to animation, sure, I prefer anime due its variety and aesthetics.

I prefer fantasy genre as escapism.Yet as of couple years,western media put all current politics into fantasy,and break its own rules and established lore just to fit that woke politic box,which breaks my immersion.Anime does none of it,so i naturally enjoyed more and more of it.

I think recent western animation is moving in the right direction. Shows like the dragon prince and invincible are amazing. It's just that a ton of it is still not great or is just bad

Anime is just better, that's all there is to it.



