
r (1)


Toukchi tricked them and won,but next episode will be the real showdown.

Seemed a little rushed, hopefully the next episode is more fleshed out and fully shows the showdown.

Nice hidden ball trick.

hidden ball trick=隠し玉 ※hidden ballだけじゃなくてhidden ball trickで隠し玉になるらしい。


Is that even allowed in baseball? o.O



That's what I thought. It's almost like cheating LOL


that hidden ball thing has to be against the rules

its not acually baserunners arent that stupid to fall for such a simple trick.. people dont even bother to even try to use that trick

It's only against the rules if the pitcher steps on the mound and gets into throwing position. We used to do this all the time in high school baseball. Another trick is to have the center field man sneak behind 2nd base while the second baseman distracts the runner on 2nd by moving forward and bit. Then have the pitcher throw the ball to the center field man who should then be covering second and tag the runner out. It's an easy out but it's hard to pull off without practice.
Most of this stuff is very doable in American baseball but you never see teams do it because it's considered dirty or risky since theirs a high chance something might go wrong.


今回のvs 知将編は東亜がただ相手を見てその上を行けばいいというのではなく、ジョンソンのプレイを観察し弱点を見つけ、リスクを取る勝負をしなければいけないところが面白い。
r (1)
Wow, so the hidden ball wasn't against the rules? Once again it's amazing how these little used plays and rules are being used to Toua's advance. Although this one felt a little dirtier then usual ;)
It's been interesting that with this arc Toua hasn't been able to just look at people and sum them up, but has to take bigger risks by watching Johnson play and then find out the weaknesses. As for the flaws with threwing towards the ankle... is it that it wouldn't work for a left handed batter? *goes off to watch next episode*

A bit disappointing, but then again there's only so much you can do with this situation, especially with another game to go.

r (2)
「Watch out!(気をつけろ!)」
LOL I really don´t know what problem you all have with that hidden ball. Why would that be against rules? The only think that made me angry was Toua shouting at Johnson, it´s really very unfair...


Again, Toua shows amazingness. I didn't even realize the ep had ended; that's how awesome it was, lol.

Toua threat his own teammates XD

That guy crying while running was so hilarious.Toua has nooo scruples.

scruple=罪の意識 良心の呵責 ためらい 遠慮


A victory, but tokuchi predicts that the opposing statistician will have more than one trick up his sleave. We'll see next epi.

statistician=統計家 統計学者 ※ここで知将と訳しました。

This is far from over, so many of the tactics have been shown to each other, so I agree with Toua when he says that the real battle starts now.


Lolol, Johnson got pwned.
I freakin' love this show.

Wonder what will happen next~

・Oh 隠し玉好き。それから超内角球でアウトにする。よくやったと思うがおそろく2度は通用しないだろう。
Oh the hidden ball trick. Love it. Then you pull the super inside ball to get him out, nice work but it won't work twice I fear.


tomorrow is the real battle

Shirooka and Toua were just testing out each other's skills in those two games.
That was a nice trick play though. XD

Wow Johnson, the owner, and Shirooka all got rekt this episode.
That pitch to the batter's ankle by Tokuchi was awesome.
That hidden ball trick was awesome. Didn't even know plays like this existed in baseball until just now.

Very impressive with the way Toua counter attacked that manager tricks. This is a good series so far.

This time Tokuchi outwitted Shirooka, but it's not over yet.

outwit A=Aの裏をかく Aを出し抜く

The third game is where it really begins.
Great episode though.

結果的に4億ドル失ったが、レート20倍と東亜の知性があれば巨大な利益をあげてくれるはずだ。だってタイトルからして「Nobody wins, but I!」と言っているわけだしね。
It's interesting because Toua seem really motivated to win those games. In the end, he lost 400,000,000$, but with the 20x bonus and Toua intellect, I'm sure he'll be able to transform that in massive gains. After all, the title do say : ''Nobody wins, but I!''.


I love Toua's win at any cost mindset. It should be everyone's mindset in sports.



反面、東亜の「Watch out!」に対する反応はなかった。