This season blew me away, what an amazing finale to this series. I laughed, I cried, I laughed while crying, and I was smiling at the end. Please give season 3.・疑いようもなく自分の中のAOTS
Undoubtely my AOTS.AOTS=Anime Of The Season=そのシーズンを代表するアニメ
This season was in my opinion way better than the first.
Hope there will be a 3rd season
Episode rating: 9/10
Overall rating: 8/10
Also the real race:
The final race was so emotional, I teared up a bit, I love Teio so much! <3Hope for a 3rd Season.
I can't believe how incredible this season was, i never expected it.Healthy friendship/rivalry between Teio and McQueen was amazing, the races were hype (especially the Rice Shower win and ofc THIS INCREDIBLE FINAL) and the emotional moments hit so damn hard, i guess the show did was a great job making me care for these characters.
Brilliant, i gotta give this a 10.
NGL even with the miracle by the power of friendship, this saison was way better than already good S1. Also we finnaly got the performance after the race and it was amazing!
Now with the huge success of the game in Japan let's hope for an even better S3 with Dia-chan and Kita-chan as MCs.
Also I would mind if the game would get a global English release, my Japanese still sucks :(
>even with the miracle by the power of friendshipIt may come off that way, but Tokai Teio's miracle comeback winning Arima Kinen after not racing for a whole year is a true story.
First i thought i wouldnt like this, because of Toukai as the center and not Special Week..But in the ended i enjoyed it.. very good S2...
I hope they give us a Third Season and more...
・特にストーリーがだけど1期よりも遥かに良かった。このアニメはさらにdepression(※鬱 落ち込み 絶望)タグが追加されたな。
8/10 今期一番の見どころはライスシャワーとマックイーンのレースだった。
Way better than the first season especially the story. And they even add depression tag. Teiou and McQueen being the main characters is fun and sad to watch. I hope there will be a 3rd season with new main character.8/10 Rice Shower and McQueen race was the highlight this season
Absolutely loved this season, maybe better than the first, really hope for an s39/10.
7/10. 1 less than the first season. Mainly because overall it was less good most of the time. The last episode was great though. They just know how to create a good atmosphere during those races.
ゲームの人気が急上昇中とのことなので、どんな形でもいいからこれからもウマ娘のアニメが見れることに期待したい =D
The final race was incredibly hype. The emotions around Tokai Teio got to everyone, as they all cheered her on as she closed in and eventually passed Biwa Hiyahide to win the race. This show knows how to make me shed a few tears, huh? XDNot to forget, we also got the idol performance with Teio, Biwa and Nice Nature and, like with the first episode, it was animated really nicely and rarely used CGI on the horse girls at all. Good stuff!
Overall, this second season of Uma Musume will be another 8/10 from me. Although I still prefer Special Week as a main character, Tokai Teio and McQueen were really fun to watch, both during the highs and the lows.
I know that I mentioned this before, but I'm glad this series didn't hold back with the drama, since we are closely following what happened to the horses in real life. It might be too much for some, but I would be more disappointed if the show did too many deviations because of the drama. It would make for a less satisfying watching experience.
Since the popularity of the mobile game has taken off like a rocket, I do hope we get some more Uma Musume anime, in whatever form, in the future. =D
This second season was better than anything I could have expected. Would have expected something in the same fashion as the 1st season with McQueen and Teio having a good old competition. Didn't expect a injury and friendship season. Glad to see the idol performance to end the series. Hopefully there's a 3rd season. Did that hair stylist just carry that scissors everywhere she goes?
This episode. Wow, just wow, it was really powerful. Seeing Teio sprinting with all she has while McQueen was watching her and crying at the same time, man, that really got me, almost cried ngl, i was smiling the whole time! XD and in the end, she won, and kept her promise to McQueen, it was the cherry on top of the cake! Couldn't have asked for a better finale!!8/10 as amazing as the 1st season tbh, it just saddens me that this show isn't being watched by more people, really deserves more recognition out there, but i do know this is huge in Japan i believe, so if it gets a 3rd season, im all for it!
A very satisfying end to the season. The last race was excellent. Going to give this season a 9/10. ・確認事項:有馬記念は1期のオープニングでも触れている。
「メジロパーマーが先頭! そしてビワハヤヒデが早くも上がった! レガシーワールドが3番手に下げました!
Mejiro Palmer's in the lead! And Biwa Hayahide is quickly catching up! Legacy World has gone down to 3rd!
さあ、後続の中からウイニングチケットが今、 現在3番手まで上がって来ている!
Now, Winning Ticket has caught up from the trailing pack and is now up to 3rd!
メジロパーマーがわずかに先頭! ビワハヤヒデ、そしてウイニング3番手!
Mejiro Palmer's barely in the lead! It's Biwa Hayahide followed by Winning Ticket in 3rd place!
そして、レガシーの手がちょっと動いている! トウカイテイオー赤い帽子も来ているぞ!
Now Legacy (World) is making its move! And so is Tokai Teio in red!
残り400Mを切りました!残り400を切った! さあ、ビワハヤヒデ岡部が先頭か!
400m to go, there's only 400m to go! Now, Okabe's (the jockey) Biwa Hayahide has taken the lead!
ビワハヤヒデ岡部が早くも先頭に立ったか! 外のほうからトウカイテイオーも来ている!
Okabe's Biwa Hayahide has quickly taken the lead! Tokai Teio's is also catching up from the outer lane!
トウカイテイオーも来ている! さあ、残り200を切りました! 残り200を切った!
Tokai Teio is also closing in! 200m to go, there's only 200m to go!
ビワハヤヒデ!トウカイテイオー来たっ! トウカイテイオーが来たっ! トウカイテイオーが来た!
Biwa Hayahide! Tokai Teio has closed in! Tokai Teio has closed in! Tokai Teio has closed in!
It's Biwa Hayahide and Tokai Teio! The Derby Winner [Tokai Teio, 1991] is showing his willpower here!
トウカイテイオーだ!トウカイテイオーだ!トウカイテイオ~! 奇跡の復活~!!It's Tokai Teio! It's Tokai Teio! Tokai Teio! It's a Miraculous Resurrection!!
She's won her first race after not racing for a year! It's Tabara Seiki’s Tokai Teio!しかしこのレースは審議の青ランプ! トウカイテイオー!ミラクル!
But the race results will be checked [for the results of 3rd place]! Tokai Teio! It's a miracle!
奇跡の復活をみせました!トウカイテイオー! こんな事があるんでしょうか!!」
We are witnessing a miraculous revival! Tokai Teio! I can't believe what I'm seeing!
Obligatory reminder that this Arima Kinen race was referenced in the first season's OP here
And the race video here.Once again, the commentary in the anime references the commentary in the actual race:
https://youtu.be/lAuSmXw4Z2c?t=203 from 3:23mins -
[Tokai Teio overtakes Biwa Hayahide at this point.]Commentary by Sakai Masayuki 堺正幸
Oguri Cap anime when? I just bought the first volume of the manga last weekend and was absolutely blown away.
I'll also take this opportunity to share my race references compilation for Season 1 OP and Season 2 OP here (which I shared on Reddit earlier in 2018 and earlier this year respectively) now that season 2 is over.
I actually went back and watched the OP for season 1 recently since I was put in the mood to see it again by this season. I am glad you pointed out that moment because I had caught that as well and was so hoping it would come true in today's episode! Thanks for your fantastic comments throughout the season!↑のコメントへの返信
Thanks a lot for your effort, I really enjoyed reading the lore after every episode!
・Twin Turbo
Double Jet best girl.
This is the single greatest sports anime of all time. GIVE ME SEASON 3
I'd say Uma Musume and Ping-Pong are the two greatest sport anime for me. I am really appreciated with the amount of love and hard work anime staff invested in them.
I am really appreciated withが文としておかしい気がしたけど、文脈にあうように訳しました。
ウマ娘を見る前は、せいぜいはじめの一歩の試合とユーリ!!! on ICEの演技に興奮するぐらいのもので別にスポーツアニメのファンというわけではなかった。だが、ホーリーシット、ウマ娘のレースには毎回かじりつくように見入ってしまった。続編を作るための素材がまだまだ十分にあることを心より願っている。
Before Uma Musume I only got excited during fights in Hajime no Ippo and performances in Yuri on Ice. I was never a fan of sport anime. Bu holy shit, Uma Musume had me sitting on the edge of my chair during every race. I truly hope there's enough material for a sequel.
This is not an exaggeration. I repeat, this is not an exaggeration.↑↑のコメントへの返信
一言でいうと:what a ride!
To put it simply: what a ride!what a ride=とてつもなくエキサイティングな出来事が起こったあとに使われるフレーズ、色々な場面で使われるが、例えば映画などを見て様々な感情が湧き出してきたときにも使われたりする。
Yawara was the hill I was gonna die on for all time best but Special week distracted me and now this season 2 just put Yawara in the rear view mirror. Umamusume is undefeatable im 100% certain now.↑↑のコメントへの返信
>put Yawara in the rear view mirror
how do you expect a normal girl not be in the rear view mirror of a zooming horseUmamusume first, the rest nowhere.とか誰か言うのかと思ったけど、そういうのはなかったw
Wow the finale felt like it ended as fast as a sprint race!So Teio runs in the Arima Kinen. Teio hasn’t run in a race since last year’s Arima so he was the fourth favorite(which is still really popular). Biwa Hayahide coming after his outstanding win in the Kikkasho was the number 1 favorite. Naturally even the commentator of this race was surprised to see Teio come up in the last stretch.
This race would be known to fans as the miraculous last run of Tokai Teio. It is also one of my favorite races and watching it brings tears to my eyes each time.
Needless to say I had tears in my eyes watching this episode. They adapted one of my favorite races of one of my favorite horse perfectly.
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole of this season and I’m quite sad that it has come to a end
This season comes to a end but since the blurays are selling well I’m pretty sure that they will be making another season. My guess is that they will do Kitasan Black and Satono Diamond’s story as they’re shown going in to the school all grown up.
They also announced today they would be making a Korean and Chinese localized version and also working to hopefully release the game in other languages as well. This means there might be a English version in the works as well.
Thank you to all that have read my comments and if there’s a third season, I hope to meet you guys again!↑のコメントへの返信
>This means there might be a English version in the works as well.
depends on if CR wants to pick it up I guess since they're already doing Priconne (which I've only played like once in the past month T_T).
I don't know how popular an EN version would be though since it doesn't look like S2 was as popular as S1.
depends on if CR wants to pick it up I guess since they're already doing Priconne (which I've only played like once in the past month T_T).
I don't know how popular an EN version would be though since it doesn't look like S2 was as popular as S1.
Thanks for all your fantastic comments throughout the last season and this one with real life details. Looking forward to reading more in the next season! There is always hope!
「いつだって希望はある!(There is always hope!)」は直訳だと若干意味不明だけど、意訳すると「(”海外では”全然人気なかったけど)3期への希望は捨てるな!」ってことでいいのかな?
I was wondering in real life, did mcqueen ever end up recovering from the leg injury or did she never race again since the show made it sound like it was unrecoverable↑↑のコメントへの返信
Mcqueen's last race was the race before Halloween. And Arima Kinen from today's episode was Teio's last. They both live happily after that
McQueen retired at 7 years old when the injury was discovered. The injury would typically take about 8 months to recover and consider the retraining time it would require, it simply was not an option to keep on racing.McQueen was retired to a stud in 1993, and passed away in 2006 due to a heart failure.
Irl McQueen retired a month before the 1993 Arima Kinen.
So good, just so damn good, how is this anime making me laugh out loud while tearing up???? Give Season 3! Come on Cygames, we know you are drowning in money with this franchise!・今期はすごく良かった。自分の予想はものの見事に吹き飛ばされた。あと2021年冬が過去最高レベルにアニメが集結したシーズンであったことを考えると、この作品の声優と制作陣を称賛せずにはいられない。
This was a terrific season. It blew my expectations away. And considering that Winter 2021 was one of the most packed seasons ever, it gives a lot of credit to the cast and crew of this series.This season had so many high points, it really is one of the best sports anime ever made.
Also I want to thank all the users who posted their IRL knowledge about horse racing. I never knew how passionate the fans are and how much they love the sport, I love when people loves something and shares their knowledge about it. Really, thank you.
Absolutely saw this ending coming from a mile away but that didn't matter because in the end I still cried genuine tears of joy. All of the build up, the hard work, and the emotions that lead up to this moment made this ending feel so absolutely worth it. Teio was at the top of the world at the start of the season but after falling down, getting back up, and then falling down again just to get back up the second time much more stronger than ever was just goddamn inspirational. ・史上最も充実したシーズンの1つではあるが、そんな中にあってウマ娘はいまだに自分の中で最高のアニメの1つになっている。
実在のウマをモデルにキュートガールを生み出すなどという常識はずれのことをしたのはどこのどいつだ?MALによると漫画の作者はS. Kosugiというらしい。誰だか知らないが先見の明があるのは間違いない。
One of the most stacked seasons of all time and Uma Musume still manages to be one of the best for me. It's amazing how this anime does it all: Idol, Sports, Comedy, Monsters Girls, Drama, CGDCT and it slacks in none of it.Who was the madman behind creating cute girls out of real life competition horses? MAL says the manga's author is S. Kosugi. Whoever they are, absolute visionary.
Rice Shower's Hero moment and Twin Turbo's win are such great moments.
I hope we can get another season. Or an english version of the game.
S. Kosugiだとなんとも思わないけど「S.濃すぎ」だとエ◯漫画家っぽい感じがする(偏見)
Cygames(著), S.濃すぎ(著)
The manga is not the original source. The idea was developed by an unknown person or a group of people at Cygames before turning into a multimedia franchise.↑↑のコメントへの返信
I guessed it would be something like that. That's why I said whoever they are. Thanks for the info!・最初これを見る予定はなかったのだが、9話のレビューがとても良かったので見始めたら最後まで止まらなくなった。予想を完全に裏切る内容で、こんなにも感情を揺さぶられるものだとは思いもしなかった。
このアニメはとてつもなく素晴らしい、大好き過ぎる。もっと多くの人がこの素晴らしいアニメに触れてほしい!I have no plan to watch this anime at first. After watch some review on how well it perform on ep9, I start watching and I totally can't stop. It totally beyond my expectation and I really didn't expect how emotional and powerful it can be.
This anime is fucking good and I totally love it. Should let more people watch this great anime!
This anime is fucking good and I totally love it. Should let more people watch this great anime!
【ウマ娘】天皇賞(春)メジロマックイーン vs ライスシャワーに対する海外の反応【2期8話】
As this is last episode of the season, I'd like to thank all of you guys who spoiled us with long, detailed and really interesting comments explaining the parallels between our 2D horses and their real life counterparts. This is first time where reddit discussion threads really added a lot to my enjoyment from watching anime./u/ptol59, /u/woonie, /u/368towns and others - once again, thank you! Hope to see you all again if another season happens.
Best anime of all time. Thank you.おわりに
一応現時点では予定にないですが、2期5話の無敗 vs 連覇と「私のことは」で中国ニキたちの心をガッチリつかんだ、1期8話のグラスちゃんVSスペちゃんももしかしたらやるかも?
ウマ娘 シンデレラグレイ 7 (ヤングジャンプコミックスDIGITAL)
posted with AmaQuick
久住太陽(著), 杉浦理史(著), 伊藤隼之介(原作:Cygames)(著)
コメント一覧 (26)
テイオーの挫折と復活に関しては正直やりすぎた感がある …あんなに曇らせなくったっていいじゃん…