










Finally, this trash premise has come.
I've read through the Three Kingdom about 5 times because it's the best novel in my life. I prefer it to other favorite fiction like Three Body Problem and Game of Throne. The reason is it has more than 50, smart characters fighting each other with their brains and strategies. In comparison, Three Body only has maybe 6 smart conspirators, and Game of Thrones only has Petyr Baelish who can match the Strategists in Three Kingdom. And the best part of Three Kingdom is that this novel is partially real. Among all those strategists, Kongming is the best.
Now you are telling me the symbol of wisdom and loyalty, who leads a million-people army while simultaneously governing a country, got isekaied to modern Japan????? And the heroine is a yellow(黄) haired girl named Tsukimi(月见) Eiko(英子) which is absolutely referring to Kongming's real wife 黄月英. So he found himself a Waifu???????????? Dam it mad author go paint your favorite high school love story and let the couple save the world by the way.Don't let a stupid high school boy act as my life-time idol Kongming.
That was what I thought before watching it.
After watching the first 2 episodes I found myself totally wrong. The Kongming in this anime is the real Kongming, more real than the one in the Chinese TV Drama Three Kingdom(ver2). You might think it absurd but the author managed to show Kongming's thought process before making decisions by depicting him assisting a singer girl. He also shows how Kongming learns and lives which is absent in Three Kingdom cause the whole book is about the battle and conspiracy. The manga referenced a lot of strategies in Three Kingdom but adapted them into the modern version. All the content about Kongming make you feel soooooo Kongming and very reasonable.
What especially moves me is that the relationship between Kongming(hero) and Eiko(heroine) is not love. Although Eiko's name is refering to Kongming's wife but who Eiko really acts as is Liu Bei, Kongming's master. They may develop some other feelings toward each other in the future and I'm OK with it, but it shoudn't be high schoolers speaking some flirtation. It should be the two supporting each other with their talents and all might just like Liu Bei and Kongming. And that's how this manga goes.
More reasons to watch it?
Incredibly good songs and dance moves. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute heroine Eiko.
(BTW, don't get me wrong about Game of Throne and Three Body Problems, they both are my favorite and have other advantages over Three Kingdom)


posted with AmaQuick
劉 慈欣(著), 大森 望(翻訳), 光吉 さくら(翻訳), ワン チャイ(翻訳), 立原 透耶(監修)


>...That was what I thought before watching it.
Totally agree!
The premise of this anime sounds absolutely insane on paper but every part of it works flawlessly together. It also helps that the animation quality is great and the OP is a fucking banger.
What stuck out to me is that most anime doesn't pay much attention to detail. The way Eiko was doing simple stuff like tuning her guitar and showing Kongming about modern bartending makes everything so much more believable.

>the OP is a fucking banger.
I’ve had the song stuck in my head for the past few days. Someone please send help.

I'm super curious if this is viewable in China, and if so on which platform?


bilibili hongkong/aomen/taiwan restricted
but I live in US

I thought this series was gonna be controversal in China because of it's potrayal of a Chinese warrior. It seems that isn't the case.


Nah bro, you are 50% right. Although most anime fans like it, there are a lot of people hating it.


>there are a lot of people hating it.
For what reason?


Ummmmmm. Not sure if you can get it. Some Chinese considers things from ancient should never be altered, let alone entertainment. I don't understand why they think so ngl, although I've lived in China for 20 years.




Those guys probably the same ppl who complained about Dynasty Warriors and 一騎當千(cant find the english name welp) or at least has the same mind set.
In which thos guys has been complaining about everything based on class literature since the dawn of internet and they wont stop anytime soon. So¯_(ツ)_/¯



それは西洋でもIkki Tousenと呼ばれているよ(ただある時期Battle Vixensという名前でも呼ばれていたと思う)

It's still called Ikki Tousen in the West (though I think it also had the name Battle Vixens at one point)

vixen=雌狐 意地の悪い女 ※ただスラングではセクシーな美女という意味もあるらしい



Japan REALLY likes romance of the three kingdoms. You could say they are 3 kingdom weebs, in the best way of course. This show as of thus far is LEGIT! I like that the music is actually fully shown and isn’t one song played on repeat like 9/10 idol anime with a five dollar budget. lol


Princess Jellyfish has so much Three Kingdoms love that it's basically 1/4 of the series content.

IDK why Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, and Journey to the West are so loved in Japan.
Also don't know why Japanese people interested in history like ancient and classical China (Like Kingdom's portrayal of the Warring States) so much.
Yes, this anime is actually really enjoyable. Being a Chinese dude, any anime with a hanfu gets an A from me lol. At least Eiko is actually drawn when she sings. Most idol anime feel like they have $5 budgets and the singer turns into a PS2 character.

Because most of their culture originated from China, like many other countries in SE/East Asia. Similar to how Americans are so interested in British stuff.

I feel like Japanese people kind of hate us (all Chinese people) though especially after the 1800's
I wonder what the cut off date for "admiration" and then "disdain" is. The British, while an enemy at one point, aren't really written in a negative light past the events of 1812 in American textbooks, at least when I was still in school a decade ago.



As a Chinese who never read Three Kingdom and only got some common knowledge of it from Hong Kong drama series, I went in to see what the show will do to the legendary KongMing after reading the synopsis. Surprisingly, everything works out pretty good.


Zombieland Saga made me realize that even the most absurd premise can be entertaining. I got the same vibe when I saw the trailer.

You got me in the first half, ngl. It's kinda funny when seeing a historical figure of your country being depicited in such an unexpected way in A-M, but I'm glad the author nailed Kongming.

 in A-Mがよくわからったのでカットしました。


Alexander Hamilton the Musical
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer
(let's keep going)

Vampire Slayerって書いてありますが、ヴァンパイアハンターです。

セス・グレアム=スミス(著), THORES柴本(イラスト), 赤尾 秀子(翻訳)


Honestly, out of all the shows from this season I had seen, this one is still the one I am most excited about.
It took this absolutely "dumb" premise, but simply by treating that idea/premise seriously...it just works. All these little details like him thinking it's hell because it's Halloween and everyone has masks, Kongmi having his "serious moments" when he learned about the past, Eiko's reason for being so attached to music....that all somehow makes it "believable".

Well, this is good to hear. I hadn't thought about it potentially being offensive to borrow a historical figure like Kongming, but I see how it could be. But... I really like the show. I'm glad you do too. It's hard to believe they made such a wacky-ass premise work, but you can tell the studio put a lot of attention and love into it.

I have 0 knowledge about ancient chinese history so all the historical facts they throw are new for me, but damn, that OP is great, I love it.




スパイファミリーに関して海外の反応で「これを見ているといつもThe Americansを思い出す」というコメントがあったけど、そっちはKGBのスパイがアメリカで偽装夫婦を演じる話らしいです。

まあそこはどうでもいいんだけど、タイトルが「The Americans」なことになんだか英語の奥深さを感じた(笑)
