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rfg (3)
That little princess is the true MVP.
I never imagined that I will feel bad for a....... shadow.

rfg (2)
The bodyguard (?) is also a MVP. Saw her helping Kage and decided to support the decision

Tearing up here about Kage's backstory. WIT flexing their mastery of the medium by making us care this much for a two dimensional blob.



I'm gonna be hated for this but I think they're doing a better job with Ousama Ranking than they did Attack on Titan. Everything is so smoooth here, while in AoT it was only smooooth during the action scenes

I think part of it has to go to the art style and character design, it looks simple and quaint so the animation can be more expressive.

If When Bojji becomes king, Poise could be the perfect queen for him.

Uhhhh おそらくポイーズは今はもう大人になっているんじゃないかな。
Uhhhh I'm pretty sure Poise is probably an adult now at this point in time.

I am curious to know just how much time has passed since they only show a single cycle of seasons changing. Not sure how long it takes for a shadow blob to mature into adulthood.

That was a painful episode, but it set up their relationship perfectly man. I hope kage runs into that little girl again down the line. She seems cool.

I’m genuinely curious about what kind of role she’ll have if/when she shows up again in the story.

Hopefully she'll reunite with Kage and become an important backer for Bojji somewhere down the line.

She seemed like another character that the people of the kingdom see in a bad light, outcasts gang up!

The author seems to take the classical Cosette/miserables approach here to pull in the empathy from spectators/viewers

レ・ミゼラブル (上) (角川文庫)
ヴィクトル・ユゴー(著), 永山 篤一(著)

This episode was so fucking sad. Even that asshole who took in Kage had his sad moment at the end. I don't know why but seeing the good time he spend with kage and tearing up while dying just made me sad in a very weird way because that dude was such an ass, but seeing him die like this hit hard.

rfg (1)
The Shadow clan persecution part made me have Berserk flashbacks when the soldiers appeared with the killed shadows impaled.


Man out of everything I'm watching this season this one just feels real special been awhile since I got so invested in the main leads of series in just 2 episodes

I really really hope it continues like this.
Fena the princess pirate gave me this exact same feeling, then it started to fade as the story progressed.

at the very least all the manga volumes on Japanese amazon have pretty high ratings, so the show should be able to maintain its quality judging by that.

Niiiiiiiiice. I thought this was an anime original.

昔からのSTR VS DEXの戦いはいまだに続いている。国民の考える王の資質というのは有害だな。ボッジがパリィをやめようがやめなかろうがどうでもいいだろ、それでも彼の戦い方はすごく効果的だ。
This show managed to make me cry for an amorphous blob with two eyeballs. Kage is surprisingly expressive for something without a face.
The age old battle between STR vs DEX continues. Everybody's views on what makes a king is toxic. Who cares if Bojji doesn't parry, his fighting style is still very effective.
I thought Domas was cool at first but he seems to be just as big an asshole as everybody else in this kingdom.

STR / Strength=力 攻撃力
DEX / Dexterity=器用さ ※命中率に影響を与えるらしい

He'd be a deadly rapier type user. Don't need a lot of strength for that.



That was my thought too. Just give him a sharp edge and he'll be killing it (pun intended).

ダジャレの部分はkilling itの部分でこれには「最高だ」という意味もある。つまり「彼に鋭利な刃物を与えたら最高だな」という意味にもなる(からだと思う)。

Armored opponents will be an issue though, especially many at once

No matter how you much you armored, you still have gaps which you will have unprotected. Be it holes in your helm (so you can see in first place) or armpits.

Bitch ass Douma doesn't deserve to teach Bojji. Also the part where Bojji cried made me piss tears.

Tough love maybe idk, I think we should wait a bit for more for about him to be revealed to understand he’s motivations more first. He also had a point tbh, what good would only knowing how to dodge do in the long run

he left the other guy covered in bruises just by hitting him a bunch of times with no real power. If that was a dagger or rapier, it would have been lethal, all without getting touched.

a (1)
「アピス 言いたいことは分かっている」
I'm suspicious of him because he didnt stop the fight. It was the spear guy who stop the fight. If we want Bojji to learn something, he would stop the fight earlier. He had spar with the younger brother. So, he should know how strong that younger brother is.

I think just based on that he's a piece of shit. Bojji deserves better.

Nah this is the best start of an anime I've watched in years. It already feels to set up to be a classic

I got very emotional while watching this episode ಥ‿ಥ.
Wit studio is doing a great job in adapting the source material. I have read the Web Manga which is good but the Anime is great 10 time better then the source material. Thank you Wit.

The animation reminds me of Studio Ghibli. Hayao Miyazaki must be smiling from heaven.
The artwork is one of the best of 2021 ❤️

bro he’s not dead lol

Hayao Miyazaki is still alive, wtf?

I am dying, can't stop laughing 🤣😂🤣Thanks for making me laugh bro.

Please don't kill him like that.

I've lost all respect for Domas, he is a shit human being. If they were using actual swords and not sticks, Boiji would've won 20 times over. Can we get spear guy to train Boiji? he seems like the only one that cares about fairness, not that trash of a human being who won't even teach him how to fight and idly stands by as his pupil is beaten ruthlessly. What a trash human being.

100% agree, the thing I took away from this episode is how awful of a human being Domas is, absolutely detestable character.

detestable=大嫌いな 嫌悪されて当然の ※一見ありふれた英単語に見えて実は見たの初めてかも??w

you know that boji is weak right .he couldn't ever injured daida . He only can give light blow

The animation when Bojji started tearing up at the end was top-tier!

a (2)
Wow, just... Wow.
I was impressed by the first episode, but episode 2 almost immediately went up in my top 10 anime episodes of all time.
When Bojji sees Kage at the end and tries to act like everything is alright, and he offers to let him steal from him again, just to keep a "friend."
Kage's reaction to this, his redemption in not allowing Bojji to be taken advantage of again, just as he had been before.
There is so much to relate to in this shadow blob and little deaf boy. What an outstanding first impression.

最後のWhat an outstanding first impressionがちょっとよくわからなかったのでカットしました。

Can't believe Murase Ayumu is voicing Kage, I only noticed it was him when I heard young Kage, but he's also the one doing the older raspier voice, I though it was a difference voice actor. Damn, what a range.

I literally cried my eyes out, peak fiction!

This show is really good. Just came over to say that.

it is getting better, really great episode, I feel so bad for boiji, and poor shadow has a sad backstory, the episode feels so short, I need more

Baby kage is so cute!!
I wanna hug Bojji so bad :"
Was really impressed by the first episode so i lowered my expectations just in case it went downhill afterwards, turns out i didnt need to.
10/10 episode for me!

I can't wait to see how the story progresses after this!

I want more, give me more!!!!!!!


