

参照元:mal animesuki


zz (1)
Still great, but I think something will be with this Lelouch "brother"... maybe he's something like Nunnally substitute? Anyway, it'll be great from what I see :D
And the OP is quite poor, but it has a lot of spoils in it xD
And why the hell Chigusa has amnesia again? (If she has it, i mean...)

r (1)
Hmm... what's the deal with Viletta? Is this gym teacher job suppose to be some kind of undercover job or does she have another motive?

She is supposedly keeping an eye on Lelouch, she does know that he is Zero.

・HOLY MOFFO!!!・・・最高すぎるエピソード!!!!作画も改善されてた。オープニングは良かったけど好みではなかった、ミドルパートは良かったけど他は良くない。ただエンディングはめちゃくちゃ良かった!
HOLY MOFFO!!! Damn... That was an amazing episode!!!! The animation has improved. Good opening, but I don't like it, well I like the middle part of the song, but the rest I didn't liked it. I LOVE THE ENDING THEME THOUGH!


Well that kinda sucked.

Naaah, I don't think it was that bad, It's just getting started, I will give it a chance till everything is cleared and they will continue where they did end it last time :D

Loved this episode...A nice way to start the season...Lots of action and nothing boring in it. <33333 Cant wait until next week ^.^

The opening and ending songs aren’t anything special to me. But I love the drawings in the ending. Even though it was similar to last season’s first episode like everyone has said I was just happy to see Code Geass back in action again. Plus it makes sense that it was done that way, with the time-slot switch.
And I liked how Lulu had the soldiers kill each other again. XD

I thought the forgot shit was lame too, till they didnt drag it out and he got all memories back in that ep and everything was right in the world. Needless to say I loved ep, even if it was like a remake of first ep of first season, cant wait for more ~


And here it starts all again... reminded me of EP1 of the 1st season.
I didn't like the new OP that much... COLORS rulez. :P
lol its interesting how all the people are sooo crazy about Code Geass... well It has that tension from where season 1 left off.. :P



I thought it was a good start of the new season

It was okay...but not quite what I expected of CG 2. But oh well, it's only starting so I can accept it.
I want more Information what happened in the gap between the 2 seasons. now!

3.Lelouch Activity Log笑ったwwwそれってSTAPLESで売ってるの?
That ep reminded me why I like this series..nice.
1. b.....BUNNIES !!
2. RURU has a brother RORO ?? eh?
3. lmao @ Lelouch Activity Log. Do they sell that at Staples?

Lelouch Activity Logとはこれのこと
a (2)


Probably Rollo was giving Britannia the info about LeLouch's activities. LULU!!!!!!

I'm disappointed. They didn't answer a single thing from last season and they did nothing with the first ep. Great he has his memory back >>

I wasn't really expecting much and it wasn't that great. Of course it's only the beginning.

I didnt really understand much of this episode, but still i found it awsome to watch! hope the show keeps up this way

Karen + bunnysuit = win :p

The beginning was confusing but most of the confusion are gone. Well besides what happened between S1 and S2 but it'll be cleared up as this goes on.
I suppose we just have to wait for Suzaku to face Lulu.

great opening by orange XD
love the pics in teh ed
and yes good mirrored episode from first season, cant wait for next episode


liked the OP, the ED is decent. <3 Kallen this episode, as always. Still want to know what happened after the end of last season...

kallen in a bunny outfit is pure win!
CLAMP's artwork in the ending sequence is really good... Definitely lovely. Hope someone transform those into wallpapers ^^;

Looking eagerly forward to (additional) bunnysuit Kallen fanart.


Wow, now CG has more in common with DN.

Awesome episode!
Kallen in bunny suit = Epic Win. And I'm glad Lelouch got his Geass back. But I wonder, he lost his memory, right? I hope they answer all the questions that the last episode of the 1st season, and this first episode created (like in fact is Rollo, or wth is Villetta a teacher).
Can't wait for the next episode :D

I heard this was a look a like of ep 1 from season 1
and to be honest it has something like it but damn I loved it ^^
realy cool ep just like yagami light when he get his memory back hehe
and I think he now gonna save all his old comrades out of prison @ least thats what I hope ^^

Bunny Kallen was just teh hawt. will we see more of it in the future though?
I wasn't that impressed with the 1st episode though. the sequence of events in the academy were rather baffling at first, then the rest were rather predictable. anyways, I'm just happy that's its back after the long wait.

Great episode! New opening is awesome! I like the song. The ending is OK.

There is nothing else to say.

・Turn 1最高すぎた。おかげで今日が素晴らしい一日になったよ。
Turn 1 was sooo awesome. That made my day .

The opening does blow. Even the Jinn OP2 was better. Get FLOW on the phone and hammer out a deal for R2 OP2!
ED (the song) was nice on its own, but I don't think it really matched up with the visuals.


The song by Jinn was better? I have to disagree with this entirely. I like the opening song, though it isn't as good as COLORS was. The ending theme does seem pretty out of place though I do like the song itself.

Nice start. I personally loved it. And I loved it how Kallen used Lulu's own quote. It seems that she has changed quite a bit.
And now , it seems few people know who Zero is. I wonder how they will patch everything up, in the comming episodes that is. I am looking forward to it.

・Great!!! Simply great!!!!! I'm sooooo happy!!!!!!!!!>_______<

Hm.. I guess they are going to use a back tracking style of story telling to get to what happened at the end of last season.
Main questions to answer:
What happened to his memory?
How did the rebels know who he is and why are they still loyal to him.

Rebels? You mean the Black Knights?
Obviously they realized from ep 25 that without him ( and apparently over the one year span ) they suck.
Kallen ( most likely after Ougi got arrested ) Probably lead the rebellion and made them decide to find Lelouch. C.C. was never second in command - Ougi was second. Kallen most likely came in 3rd.
Memory loss is still unknown.

going to have to watch the next episode to find out!
And what do you mean why are they still loyal to him? Is there anyone else in the whole damn world willing and able to get them their independence? Beggars can't be choosers when it comes to messiahs.

Beggars can't be choosers=日本で言う「背に腹は代えられない」とかそんな意味をもつ英語のことわざ。直訳だと「乞食に選択肢はない」とかそんな感じかな。

WOW! I loved this episode.
Another CC Lulu kiss!!! *dies*


I'm glad I wasnt the only one who thought the ED art was awesome (though the music could have been a bit better)

we need more kaguya in upcoming episodes !





コードギアス 双貌のオズ(1) (角川コミックス・エース)
東條 チカ(著), サンライズ(その他), バンダイ(その他), ホビージャパン(その他), 角川書店(その他)

コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ外伝 白の騎士 紅の夜叉(1) (角川コミックス・エース)
曽我 篤士(著), 高橋 びすい(その他), 「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ」シリーズより(その他), BANDAI SPIRITS、ホビージャパン(その他)

家庭教師のルルーシュさん(1) (角川コミックス・エース)
漆魂(著), 『コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ』シリーズより(その他)