Liked that it was Albert this time having a more prominent role in the case.
Blowing up your own house is amazing lol
Dang this show starting off the 2nd season with great arc already. Love seeing the Moriarty's taking care of corrupt nobles again. I honestly never thought he'd reveal his true identity to her.
I can't figure out how Sherlock can stop her from joining the Lord of Crime AND protect her from the government. Super hyped for next episode. I really wish we could get more eyes on this show, super underwatched. I feel like it's everything a lot of ppl want from a "fresh" anime.
I can't figure out how Sherlock can stop her from joining the Lord of Crime AND protect her from the government. Super hyped for next episode. I really wish we could get more eyes on this show, super underwatched. I feel like it's everything a lot of ppl want from a "fresh" anime.
This is getting interesting, Irene meeting with the Moriartys and Sherlock beeing well aware of it. I have a bad feeling for Irene though, there is no way she will get out of this at this point, Mycroft doesn't strike me as the kind of man who could ignore her crime no matter what happens with the papers at the end, Albert and Sherlock can get away by plausible deniability and beeing persons of great puplic interest, but the moment she leaves them she is as good as dead
もっともらしい否認 (もっともらしいひにん 英: plausible deniability)とは、ある出来事に対しほとんど明らかと言っていいほど関与を疑われている人物が、しかしその明白な物的証拠が存在しないために、それを否認することを指す概念。
I'm really struggling to find seasonal shows I like lately, but Yuukoku no Moriarty gives me hope for seasonals. It's so much fun!
I don't really buy the fact that everyone at the party went back to dancing 5 minutes after someone died. The shot of his dead body on the floor with people dancing around him cracked me up. Still, it was a good episode!
Me neither. It was a powerful image but no, even if we go with anime nobles have no empathy at all, they would be concerned about their own life. I mean he didn't look like he was about to keel over from natural causes. Or even in case no one suspects a murder, people would stand around and gossip what might be the cause.
Mrs Hudson is surprisingly tolerant of Holmes and whatever shenanigans he is up to
Well that "king" gave him 300 pounds of gold up front. IDK how much rent was back then but I imagine 300pounds would cover any repair damages.↑↑のコメントへの返信
According to the bank of England website, 300 pounds in 1880 (don't know the exact year this takes place in) would be 36 900 pounds today, some 50k USD or 42,5k EUR. That looked like a huge explosion, but if we suppose because of anime magic there's no structural damage, I guess it should cover it?・自分はアニメは字幕派の人間なので変なのはわかっているが、気取ったイギリス訛りの英語の吹替版がでるまで見るのを保留したくなってきた。この考えは間違っているだろうか?15分見ただけで大好きになってしまった!
I know it’s weird since I’m a sub guy but I kind of want to wait until there’s a complete dub with cocky British accents. Am I wrong? Watched about 15 min and I loved it.・メインの主人公がシャーロックなのかモリアーティなのか混乱してきた。今はどっちも応援している。
I'm starting to get confused whether the main protagonist is Sherlock or Moriarty. I want to cheer for both of them now.
It's kinda a Lelouch vs Suzaku situation. They are both right and wrong and the protagonist depends on your moral pov.↑↑のコメントへの返信
But in this one, Lelouch clearly was the main protagonist and Suzuku was minor compared to him. Here, we are more seeing Sherlock than William while William is normally the MC.・素晴らしいエピソード!あの男爵がじょじょに弱って死んでいくところでアルバートの目が緑に輝くところカッコよすぎた。
Great episode! That closeup shot on Albert's glowing green eyes as they watch that Baron slowly die was badass. Irene's goals basically aligns with what the brothers are doing, just different methods, she bit off more than she can chew though with those documents. Sherlock is catching on to Moriarty though, doubt Irene's gonna tell him, but we'll see. Looking forward to the next episode.Bite off more than you can chew=直訳「あなたが咀嚼できる量以上のものにかじりつく」から「自分の能力以上のものに手を出す」「無理をする」という意味になる。
I like this show, but it does sometimes make me have to close my eyes and forget what I know about Victorian England to go along with the story. Like, nobody in theatre then would've been bullied for being "common." Acting was way too disreputable a profession for anyone but the working class to be involved in it.disreputable=いかがわしい みすぼらしい
The fact that, protagonists aside, virtually every noble has been portrayed as a straight-up cartoon villain with such ridiculously exaggerated caricature has been slightly irking me ever since the first episode. Still very good, of course, but it's stretching suspension of disbelief further than was necessary.不信の停止(ふしんのていし)または積極的な不信の停止(英語 willing suspension of disbelief)とは人が作り話を鑑賞するとき、懐疑心を抑制し、それが現実ではないことを忘れ、創作された世界に入り込む様子を指す。サミュエル・テイラー・コールリッジが確立した概念とされる(初めて着想したのがコールリッジかどうかは不明)。コールリッジは詩についての議論で用いた[が、小説のほか演劇にも適用される。この言葉は以後広く人口に膾炙し、新聞やラジオでも特に断りなく用いられるようになった。
Yeah, the lack of nuance with the villains is the show's biggest weakness.↑↑↑のコメントへの返信
>villainsSide-villains at best. I'm really unsure who's the main protagonist or the main antagonist in this anime. Is it Moriarty or is it Sherlock? Or is it Mycroft to represent the government?
Both sides getting really good at playing with Irene kinda feel bad for her.
I know this is a work of fiction, but the notion of england being the hand behind the formation of the French republic fascinates me to no end. I am wondering how our world would look at this if this were to happen irl.↑のコメントへの返信
It's funny but not really logical IRL.Britain was too scared of a revolution occuring in their own country to cause it in their neighbor. They preferred France to remain a monarchy, even more if the King would owe them a big one.
Even though Moriarty is the main character I'm actually rooting for Moriarty to wipe that smug smirk off his face.・シャーロックはアイリーンを騙し、書類を見つけ出すためなら家の一部を爆破すらしてしまう。こういうところがあるから自分は彼のことが大好きなんだ。
This is why I love Sherlock, he literally made a part of his house exploding just to trick Irene and find the document.And now it's back to Moriarty vs Sherlock battle of wits, and he already knows that they're on it.
Lol Sherlock blew up the entire second floor to get those files. He truly is an outrageous guy but now that Irene is gonna join hands with Moriarty, what's he gonna do?・全体的にはとても良いエピソード。だがここでのアイリーン・アドラーの扱い方が気に入らない。元々彼女は世界一の名探偵をも出し抜くすごい女性でだからこそ彼女は「The Woman」と呼ばれていたのに、ここではただシャーロックやモリアーティに守ってれと懇願するような女性に変えられてしまっている、これは彼女のもつ本来の人格に対する酷い侮蔑だ。漫画の内容に忠実にしただけなのは知っているけど、それでも言っておきたかった。
Overal, quite a good episode. But I hate what they've done with Irene Adler. Originally she is this skillful woman who outfoxes the greatest detective in the world which is why she was termed 'The Woman' but they've reduced her to a mess which is just begging Sherlock or Moriarty to protect her which is just a gross disrespect to her original personality. I know they've been following manga but still.・最高のエピソード。チーム・モリアーティが貴族たちをやっつけるのを見るのが好き。それとまさかシャーロックは書類を見つけるために自分の家を爆破してしまうとは。さあ今、シャーロックはチーム・モリアーティがこの件に関与していることをわかっている。つまりここから素晴らしい頭脳戦があるはずだ。
Awesome ep. Love seeing team Moriarty fuck up some aristocrats. Also god damn Sherlock for blowing up his own place just to find the papers. Now Sherlock knows team Moriarty is involved so it should be some good battle of wits.・アイリーンのストーリーを完璧に変えてしまった。けど悪くはない。アイリーンの男装や王族を脅迫しようとしたこと、それにシャーロックの火を使ったトリックにもちゃんと言及してくれて良かった!
Oh、1期のオープニングの歌詞にあった「Lord of Crime」という肩書を実際に使っている。クール!
Well, they completely changed Irene's story, but it's not bad. Thank god! They even made references to Irene's crossdressing, her trying to blackmail a royalty, and Sherlock's trick with the fire.
Albert is so hot. Him being a rebellious noble, who's defying authority, makes him so much more attractive. (Louis, give him a complementary spank from me! lol)
最後の(Louis, give him a complementary spank from me! lol)がよくわからなかったのでカットしました。
AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! This show knows EXACTLY how to get my heart pumping. I get so nervous every time someone lies or tries something, it's really such a fun time. It's building off the things I loved in the first season, aaaa this is so good・WOOOOW!またも模範的な素晴らしいエピソードを見事にやってくれた!そしてこれはさらに大きな対立の始まりに過ぎない!
WOOOOW! once again! exemplar impressive episode! masterfully done! and this is just a start of bigger conflict!5/5.
We're getting some political games in here, pretty interesting. Sherlock blowing up his own apartment is hilarious. How Ms. Hudson even agreed to this?Overall I loved this episode
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