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追記:今ちょうど思い出したことがあった。ヒュンケルの自身の剣を鎧に変えるところで使う言葉(Amdo or Amudo)はおそらく「armed」または「armored」をもじったものだろう。というのも漫画ではここに漢字があてられていたが、その漢字の1つは「鎧(armor)」でもう一つは「turn into」あるいは「transform」を表す「化」の文字が使われているからだ。
It might just be me but it feels like the composer is trying to replicate DQ music in his own compositions since we didn't get Sugiyama's music. That scene where Hyunckel discovers Bartos after the raid really reminded me of a DQ tune.
Not much otherwise to say this episode. They did a pretty great job with it. This arc should take us to episode 13 and the end of this cour.
Edit: I did just remember something. When Hyunckel transforms his sword into armor, the phrase he uses (Amdo or Amudo) is probably a play on "armed" or "armored." This is because of the kanji used in the manga. One is the kanji for "armor" or 鎧 and the other is for "turn into" or transform which is 化. It's one of the few spells that wasn't translated in this, since it doesn't have a DQ game equivalent, but I thought folks might be curious about it.


・Wow 思ったよりもかなり早い段階でクロコダインはヒールからフェイス(※善玉)になったな。原作読んでないからクロコダインがフェイスになるのは知らなかったが、そうなるんじゃないかという予感はしていた。そして彼が仮に今回死んでしまうことになったとしてもフェイスになってくれてよかった思う。もちろん死んでほしくないけどね。
Wow, the Crocodine heel/face turn came much sooner than I expected. Mind you I haven't actually read the source material for this so I wasn't sure it would happen, but I had a feeling it might. And I liked it, even if he's really dead now but hopefully he's not. Hyunckel's backstory I'm a bit less enthusiastic regarding. I enjoyed the raised by monsters parallel it has with Dai's own, but part of me just found it a bit too silly. Oh no, skeleton papa turned to dust! Ya know? Plus part of me wonders if Avan was even the real one who killed him, the already undead skeleton, but probably. Regardless good stuff yet again. This Zapple in next week's title...Is it a lightning spell Dai and Pop will need to cast together or something? That's my guess anyway.


You are correct in so many things it's not even funny. Well, almost.
I really liked Bardos story, though they went thorugh it extremely quickly, though that is to be expected with the faster pace.
I feel this is were the Dai series originally really started to ramp up and mix things up, creating original attacks by mixing attacks from the DQ series in a way that makes sense. Not to mention how characters are starting to pop up at a more frequent rate and with more interesting traits.

I really wasn’t expecting Hyunckel’s backstory to hit me in the feels the way it did. Especially with how similar his story is to Dai’s. Every single episode is so impactful! I’m really enjoying it and I’m so glad Toei decided to remake it.

Man I wasn’t expecting Crocodine to come to Dai’s rescue, but good thing he did because shit was getting hectic.
You have to empathise with Hyunckel somewhat. But him being blinded by rage is pretty stupid IMO. Yea, your father died, but he was a general for someone bent on destroying the world. It’s not like he was raising puppies and Avan just murdered him. But shonen’s gonna shonen.
Really enjoyed the episode as usual, can’t wait to see what Dai and Pop cook up to get Maam back.

But shonen’s gonna shonen←ここ「だがshounenはいつだってshounenだ」と訳しましたが、文脈的に「少年漫画というのはいつだってこういう無理くりな過去設定を入れたがる」みたいな意味じゃないかと思います。

hectic=忙しい 慌ただしい てんてこ舞い

I actually think he is more straightforward. As in he has decided that he will avenge his father even that is against justice. So rather than stupid, I consider it simple.

>but he was a general for someone bent on destroying the world
He was raised by them, he doesnt know the definition of good or bad, he only had the love of his father and the other demons and another dude comes to kill them? Of course he is very angry, and the other Commander came and took him, that rage started building up.

I don't think they're planning to "destroy" the world literally but destroy it for humans. If the Dark Army won, it'd just be run by monsters and you can see with Brass, Bartos, and Crocodine, that some of them are good.
It feels like there's 3 sides. Pro-monster, Anti-monster, and neutral. But so far we haven't seen any characters that are really trying to kill innocent monsters outside of the fake heroes.


Don't forget about dragons! those come in later to mix things up quite a bit.

Really happy that they didn't make Hyunckel full armor some cheap CGI crap. Also very happy with the faster pacing compared to the old series.

The soundtrack is one of the best parts of any given scene. I'm a sucker for a sad backstory, making the hero question who is in the right, so I loved this episode.

Avan killed the father of Hyunckel eh and now he is a misanthrope
im curious about that Air Slash move that is suppose to be better than Avan Strash
will Crocodine die too though i hope not
Maam is taken as hostage lets see how they will rescue her next episode

misanthrope=人間嫌い 厭世家

>im curious about that Air Slash move that is suppose to be better than Avan Strash
But you need to learn slice the earth, sea and air before you do Avan strash. Dai's Avan strash is not real avan strash because he did not learn how to slice the air.
However, the reason why Dai's incomplete avan strash was able to do a lot of damage to hadlar and crocodine because he had Dragon Crest on his head . Dragon Crest increase Dai power by huge margin and even normal attacks become strong.

I wonder if Crocodine is still alive or he will become an undead soldier for Hyunkel. Didn't expect him to save them, thought it would be Leona and her men.



I don't understand. I thought monsters were mindless rampaging killing machines under the influence of Hadlar (like we saw it with Brass), and now in Hyunckel's backstory we see that they are pretty much like humans, being nice guys and having feelings and a free mind. They even adopted a human baby while being at war against humanity. This doesn't make any sense, and because of that I thought that Hyunckel sob story was pretty incoherent and stupid.
Also, in the last episode we saw an almost dead Crocodine being healed in Hadlar's fortress, and now we see him appearing right where Dai is and just at the right moment, almost magically like a typical, bad and convenient deus ex machina.
For all these reasons, the episode wasn't very good to me.

デウス・エクス・マキナ(deus ex machina、羅: deus ex māchinā デウス・エクス・マーキナー)とは演出技法の一つである。古代ギリシアの演劇において、劇の内容が錯綜してもつれた糸のように解決困難な局面に陥った時、絶対的な力を持つ存在(神)が現れ、混乱した状況に一石を投じて解決に導き、物語を収束させるという手法を指した。

It depends of the monster. If you ever played any DQ, you would know all monster are not braindead. Basically, if they are humanoids (and/or have some kind o clothing), you can assume they have some lvl of consciousness/intelligence. Most monster you saw rampaging earlier are beast type, not undead.



If Dai used the Dragon Crest that time, Hyunkel must have been defeated easily. Great episode tho!

Lack of the bloods makes this new one looks weaker than the old one. Back when i watched the old series i was very impressed with the bloody battle between them, but i can not feel any hyped in this fight.


Crocodine came out of nowhere lol.
I don't know if I should feel sorry for Hyunckel. His backstory may be sad but I just don't understand his hatred.

Teleportation spells and items acting as such (chimaera wing. Hadlar used one already) are a common thing in DQ lore.
Expect lot of similar situations to happen.

But I remember still being in shock with Crocodine coming out of good will when I first watched this.

good will=善意とかそういう意味ですがここでは「ダイたちを助けるために」と訳しました。ちなみにどうでもいいですが、good willには「のれん」とか「営業権」とかの意味もあります。

I wasn't expecting Crocodine to come in and make a save, but Dai took a major L in fighting Hyunckel. Hopefully Dai can learn how to slice the Air soon so he can do the true Avan Strash.

・ヒュンケル強すぎるなんてもんじゃない wow!どうすればダイとポップは彼を倒すことができるのか?
Hyunckel is too OP wow! How will Dai and Popp be able to beat him now?


i salute to Crocodinefor not letting Hyunckel deliver the final blow and saving Dai!


