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Just to give perspective, last time Shiraishi saw Sugimoto he was shot in the head.
Also it's hilarious to me that Inkarmat was in a more critical state than Sugimoto with a hole in his head.

Well Sugimoto is an immortal with lots of battle experience while Inkarmat is 100% a civilian.

She also had to hold Kiroranke's knife in her abdomen when he was trying to retrieve it so they would know who stabbed her, so she probably took some extra damage from that struggle.

Leaving the knife there is better than pulling it out and bleeding out as a result.

Yea but it wriggles around during the struggle and I can't imagine that's not gonna do some major damage.

edf (4)
That warm smile when Sugimoto saved Shiraishi... be still my beating heart. The golden trio is almost complete!
Loved the build-up in this episode, and the OST really fit the mood. It's so satisfying to see all these stories of Wilk come together. As Asirpa remembers her father's words, the mystery of the tattooed code is finally coming together in her mind. And it looks like Ogata has noticed?
I'm really, really excited to see what's in store for the next episode, especially with a crazy title like "Sin and Impurity." I'm just about ready for the plot to explode.
EDIT: Rewatching the episode, it's so interesting to hear Kiroranke say that he trusted Wilk and loved him. It makes me wonder even further what happened between them that made Kiroranke do what he did to Wilk, and how that trust was betrayed.

Sin and Impurityは直訳すると「罪と不純」とかそんな意味になると思いますが、ここではタイトル通り「罪穢れ」としました。確かにこんな言葉英訳しろって言われても困るw

The soundtrack for this show doesn't get enough credit in my opinion. This season especially it fits the tone perfectly. The solemn Russian-Eastern tones really fit the show while they talk about the revolution and wars. The track played during the Wilk name flashback was hauntingly beautiful.

This arc is progressing like how I imagined it would. I've been waiting an entire season for the payoff bc I knew based on the pacing that payoff would be the best spot to close the season.

Right? It reminds me so much of the suspense before the climax in season 2 at Abashiri. They're saving the best for last yet again, I can feel it.

Asirpa's finally starting to think about the meaning behind the tatoos. I don't like that look in Ogata's eye though. I also find the parallels between Wilk and his obsession with wolves really interesting: the more he tried to fit in with the packs (Ainu, liberation fighters), the more we realize how much of a lone wolf he's always been, and he was also killed like the lone wolf he saw in his childhood by the "pack" he was a part of for fear of him slowing them down. It's some great irony to think back on.
Really glad to see Shiraishi and Sugimoto back together, and now this introduces a very interesting situation going forward since Sugimoto's group may be able to catch up with Kiroranke afterall. Will they set up an ambush? How will a final confrontation go?

the more he tried to fit in with the packs (Ainu, liberation fighters)の訳は「彼は群れ(アイヌ、自由を求める反逆者)に自分を適応させようとすればするほど」でいいはずなんだけどちょっと全体的に見たとき文が変になってしまった感じがする。

Wilk is a really cold and scary guy despite how open he appears and how his friends and family found it easy to love and trust him.
He was literally grooming Asirpa to be a guerilla fighter. He probably married Asirpa's mom to find out more about the gold, what's with her father being the most important man in their village.

アシリパの母の父親が村で一番の重要人とはどういうことだ(what's with her father being the most important man in their village)←ここ言っている意味がよくわからなかった。なにか勘違いしていたら教えて下さい。


This story made me wonder if Wilk may have been as ruthless as Tsurumi.

the last scene though, I'm fking bawling

The fade-in of the ending song is so fucking hype.

Jesus.... Same. It went from funny with the "power of the dick" to that epic Sugimoto save... And the smile was the icing on the cake. Overall, my personal favorite episode.

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edf (3)
Goddamn! Sofia is an absolute beast! That uppercut and flying dropkick was just amazing!
Kiroranke's reaction when he finally saw Sofia is hilarious! Well he did say he likes big girls when he was learning Japanese xD
I'll still never figure out how she turned into that huge stocky woman from this dainty looking noble. Is this how Russian women age?
Oh my god. So the cipher for the map is the ainu name he got from his wife. Man Kiroranke was right. Asripa did end up remembering something from this trip. And it looks like Ogata has realized what just happened. Oh boy.
On the bright side, at least Sugimoto and Shiraishi are reunited once again! The dream team is back baby! I'm excited for next week!

>she turned into that huge stocky woman
It's those slavic genes. Everyone knows Slavic girls eventually become bulky babushkas that take no shit from anyone and force feeds their grandkids borscht.

take no shitの意味がイマイチよくわからなかった。

What are the odds Ogata will backstab Kiroranke?

Considering that look on Ogata's face, I think it's pretty much a given that he 100% will.

Ouch, apparently Shiraishi's dick isn't hard enough lol

It gets bashful when it's cold out.


It was hard enough, it wasn't durable enough.

Like the rest of us, it probably got harder when Sugimoto showed up.


Apparently there should be a link with this anthropologist. I wonder how much research has the mangaka done for the manga. Eventually I'll have to study the Russo-Japanese war, it's too interesting!


The author's own great-grandfather was a solider in the 7th division and fought in the Russo-Japanese war. His name was Sugimoto Saichi. This was a story close to home and heart.

home and heart、確信はありませんが上のような訳でいいはず。

I knew about it, but still he must have studied a lot

I am glad I started watching this show after strong reviews for season 3 by you guys. Season 1 has good story and lot's of cooking(Hinna Hinna) but season 2 and especially season 3 is on a different level. I was not bothered by the CGI bear also. Thanks for the recommendation.

plus the bears in this season are surprisingly not in CGI. That means the studio is improving a lot

I'm glad you gave it a chance :D

Good to hear the recommendations are reaching people into trying it at least. Glad you enjoyed it! This is such an underwatched show, but the ratings of the show overall and of individual episodes are really telling of how good it is.

Yeeeees! Sugimoto and Shiraishi meet again!
Asirpa finally remembered something very important and Ogata definitely realized this...
Also it's always nice to see kid Asirpa, she was even more adorable than she already is.


Wasn't expecting the Killing Bites vibes at the start with the tiger.
I am really glad Shiraishi didn't die after the whole story about the weak getting left behind. I love this show.



"Dick talisman protect me! Behold the power of dick." lmaooo


edf (6)
The reaction and the sound played at this scene... I haven't laughed this good in a while.


Srsly this anime keeps getting better and better. Good and unique plot, great pacing,relatable and likeable characters.. it has all. This anime deserves more appreciation and more watchers.

It seems like Asirpa's figured out one of the major keys to cracking Wilk's treasure map code - his Ainu name. I really don't want Ogata or Kiroranke to realize.... but judging by the look in Ogata's eyes he's already suspicious.
That ending was perfection; the dick betrayed Shiraishi but Sugimoto got his back 👍🏼

As a pole, I liked Wilk's name reference. Actually, from the first time I heard his name, I was like ' is it just a coincidence? ' and turns out it was not, but the actual polish wolf. I was pretty sure last ep when he said that wolf are beautiful creatures :P

What an ending! I hope that Ogata and Sugimoto have a rematch now that Ogata realized that Asirpa seems to know hot to solve the enigma of the tattoos.
Seems that things are about to get ugly! I don't want this series to end... ever!

