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Great episode, not sure why this show isn't getting a little more love

I know, right? Hopefully it's doing well over in Japan. Wish reddit would give it more love.

There is no hot girl in the cover so it doesn't sell.

in the coverがよくわからなかったのですが、とりあえず上のように訳しました。

What do you mean, Crocodine best girl, obviously.


Seeing Popp finding his resolve was incredibly satisfying. I’m beginning to see why this series is so fondly remembered.

Believe me, you haven't seen anything yet, especially Popp. I hope people who's been annoyed by Popp up until last episode have changed their mind, or perhaps at the very least given him a chance
Also, I thought Dai's "Avan Strash" voice acting in the episode 5 was the best, looks like I might have spoken a little too soon. I'm already dead curious to see how evolved it'll be at the end of this series.

Popp will get his bearing after the Dragon Knight ark , if they ever go that far in the reboot...

get one's bearings=自分の立ち位置を認識する 自分の進むべき道を決心する

By the speed we're going, we're going to the end my man.


It was definitely the best episode of the season since Avon's last stand. I have been so annoyed with Popp throughout the first 8 episodes, and was glad to finally see him truly join the party and come to Dai & Maam's aid.

Excellent episode and in the next one, a very important character will make his appearance.

What can you say other than pure shonen goodness.

every fuckin thing small or big in this episode was great.

Popp's building up the resolve to join his friends fighting was really something to watch. First anime episode I've rated an excellent since I came to this subreddit a few months ago.

redditの事情には詳しくなくいこともあり「I've rated an excellent」というのがよくわからなかったのですが、そのまま「エクセレントと評価した」と直訳しました。



Loved Popp character development in this episode

Just when I was thinking I'm bored of this series and how it seems childish/censored, it got kinda hype ...

I've been waiting eagerly to see this episode as it's one of my favorite parts of the manga, and it was even better than I hoped it would be. Just seeing Popp find his courage even though he's still terrified is always amazing and I especially love how he casts that magic circle.

this is a question for the people that know of the previous version or the manga (since i dont know about them)
is Dai's crest power always gonna work as a win button? i just find it really easy and kills all the hype of moments like Popp's show of courage because in the back of my head is always "well, Dai is just gonna go OP and win anyways" (even if all Popp did was to prevent Brass from being used as a hostage, even if Brass were to be killed it would just be Dai more pissed off, probably more powerful and cry at the end of it all)

Manga reader as the original didn’t get too far into the story
No it won’t always be an instant win ability. In fact we’re actually getting close to point that it stops being that. I don’t want to spoil how or when but major fights that show this happen in the series show just how much stronger his enemies are than him and Dai straight up losses a few times

that's nice, i always had this near-dropping thought about the anime in my head, but with this i will keeo watching, it seems its gonna be at least 2 course, so it should get to some good fights
thanks for the reply

Well, Popp might not be very strong but he's got balls to fight a lizard monster like that. Tough watching him struggle so much though.
Good thing there's Dai kicking some ass again cause that was satisfying to watch.

・「ドラゴンクエスト ポップの大冒険」良かった。いつもどおりの素晴らしいペース。
Well "Dragon Quest: Popp no Daibouken Episode 1" is good. GREAT pacing as usual
It's himmmm aaaahhhhhh

This episode was very good. Popp finally getting the courage to fight after given encouragement from a crooked mage. Even so that small amount of courage is more than enough to turn the tide around. Managing to save Brass, then Gome-chan having to heal Dai or wake him up. Then Dai activates his power once again and manages to beat Crocodine, and then the Kingdom is saved. Preview of next episode looks fun, not to mention better equipped and possibly a new ally. Dang this is going to be good.

rfg (1)

rfg (2)

edf (3)
edf (2)
edf (4)
The blood censored is too annoying. TV Tokyo and Toei should change time slot broadcast, kids do not watch this kind of CLASSIC shounen nowaday! This show is childhood of the 80-90's generation so please don't treat it like a show for kids bruh! Change broadcast schedule so they don't have to censor anything... The upcoming fights are even much more bloody, censorship will definitely ruin them!!!
Where's blood lmao???
Let's compare with manga

edf (1)


it is good better than nothing
for me i can imagine the blood even if it does not exist
What is important is that there is no fundamental change in the fighting

・Wow 最初はポップの成長やクロコダインと戦う決意が見れて良かったけど、それよりも興味を引いたのがダイの戦い。あんな風に怒ったときのダイは強すぎるなんてものじゃない。
Wow at the beginning it was really nice to see some development for Popp and to see his determination against Crocodine but wow the most interesting moment was definitely Dai's fight, he seems absolutely op when he's angry like that

edf (1)

Popp had a great character developement, he risked his life to help Dai and it worked. The fight between Dai and Crocodine was really good.

About censorship, personaly I have no complain.
If I would prefer the show to be like the manga ? Yes.
But Im long gone past the point of fighting for anime to be 100% like the manga about violence. Manga and Anime are 2 different medias, made for different viewers and distributed in different ways, so there HAS to be some changes on that point when you switch from one to the other.
We're in 2020, the world is like that and there is nothing we can do to change it.
And in the end Crocodine is a Lizardman, it's not like impossible to imagine that race to have a different blood color.
As for the quantity displayed, it has no relevance really.

最後のAs for the quantity displayed, it has no relevance reallyがわからなかったのでカットしました。わかる方いたら教えて下さい。※「描写された血の量について言えば、実際そこにはなんの関連性もない」というわけわからん訳になってしまった・・・

Popp redeemed himself with his little amount of courage. He really saved the day.
I'm curious about Dai's real powers and I can't wait to find out about it.
Great episode.

Sometimes a single shard of courage is all you need to overcome your fear. How ironic that it took a pep talk from the mage from the fake hero party to inspire Popp to be more heroic.

ペップトーク(Pep Talk)はスポーツ選手を励ますために指導者が試合前や大事な練習の前に行う短い激励のメッセージのことを指す。現在は語学と心理学の分析も進み、アメリカではセールスマンの営業研修やIT技術者のモチベーションアップ研修にも取り入れられている。語源はpep(元気)、pep up(元気づける)という言葉から来ている。

great episode, I really liked the power of the dai.



edf (2)