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Wow, I'm the first comment? Well, demon lord to demon king does seem like a big upgrade. I hope Avan didn't defeat the demon lord last time with that haircut. Surprised that Dai didn't power up yet, but preview seems like he will next episode and kick some ass.

I'm also expecting a badass fight between Avan and Hadler, which we had a sneak peak in the preview. The battle against those two in this episode felt kinda slow imo, just dodgeballing single move 1 by 1 (probably paying homage to original DQ's turn-based battle?). But looks like we're having a fast-paced hand to hand combat between the two, both swordplay and grappling, so I'm looking forward for episode 5 to get my blood boiling.

Why doesn't Dai just capture the Dark LoCommander in a capsule?

Because they have level limits on them. The basic ones only hold monsters up to level 10, while the advanced ones only hold monsters up to level 20.
(For context, the evil party in episode 1 were all level 13)


It's a Dark Lord, not a Pokemon. Avan's barrier did nothing to prevent him from just walking thru it like it was a summer day. You think he would be caged in a magic cylinder he himself created and passed down to Dai's gramps?


like it was a summer dayがよくわからなかったのでカットしました。「暑い夏の日の日差しでは、日傘を張ってもその光を完全に防ぐことができず入り込んでくるように」とかそんな意味だろうか?(なんの根拠もないけど)

Well it's worth a shot.

Yeah, agreed, though it would be different if he had master ball though
sorry for making lame joke midnight


Speaking as somebody who last read the manga over a decade ago and only remember bits and pieces (thought it was my favorite manga when I was growing up), this episode struck all the right chords with me.
It's probably the nostalgia goggles talking ,but this is starting to be my anime highlight of the week even though this season is pretty stacked.

Nostalgia goggles=ノスタルジア・ゴーグル=思い出補正と訳しました。その説明にこんな一文が書いてあった笑ったwただ「昔みたいにドラクエの音楽を使ってほしい」はこれとは別だよね(怒)


Same here. Dragon Quest and Dragon Ball were two initial Japanese titles that a local company released translated locally, and they were massive fan favourites for "oldies" that grew up with them.
I just wish that there is an option on Crunchy for subtitles without localised spell names, as in the manga that was published here, they kept the original names, and it gets confusing


since you read the manga, how accurate do you think this adaptation is so far?

Again, memory is fuzzy since it's so long ago, but so far all the major plot points line up to my memory. The only discrepancy (and this is based off of a post in the discussion thread for that episode) are the contents of the magic vials Dai used in the first episode. Also, the fight against the fake heroes wasn't on a boat.



I read the manga several times. Really loved it.
There are a few changes here and there, but so far it's been very faithful to the original manga, and anime I guess, though the anime was already a pretty good adaptation, having some scenes ripped directly from the manga.
I this episode for example, Avan had a squirt of blood in the cut in his nose, and Pop gave him a band aid, joking about how uncool he looked. Instead, here they have Dai make a small ice which makes a joke of Dai's magic abilities.
The fight overall is also expanded a bit here, with more dramatic effects and what not, but still has the same beats.
I'm excited for what's to come, Sizzle is a rather simple spell all things considered in the story, there are some original attacks that mixes DQ spells, weapons and themes.
One big bummer though, is that they are clearly shying away from any depiction of blood (like the nose thing), and later fights can get pretty brutal, with one character getting a whole in his chest all DB style and coughing litters of blood. Similar to how Sait Seya was. You don't NEED litters blood, but I find it hard to picture how to show some of those intense scenes without ANY blood.

Damn, Avan went full Picollo at the end.

These episodes are getting progressively better and I hope next episode give us a killer fight with Hadlar. As someone who hasn't read the manga, I am excited to see Popp further establish as a character and a possible foil or supporting character to Dai. I think this series has strong potential to be the most slept on series of the year.

killer fightの意味はとりあえず単語の意味から「死闘」と訳しました。

Man this show continues to impress as one of the sleeper hits of the year. I’ve only played the latest dragon quest on the switch, so I’m not sure versed in the universe, but this has been really enjoyable to watch. It feels like old school dragon ball and I love that.
Hope sensei is ok, but not looking too hot for em


That's not what I expected for Hadlar's voice but whatever. Another great episode.

Rohan is that you!?

Man, it pains me to see that even the cheapest looking isekai of the season is getting more attention than this epic gem of animation does.
This and next episode will be crucial to the whole series. Truly hope more peeps give this show a chance.

10/10 episode again. Toei is doing a great job.
I like how they are already making a contrast between Dai and Popp characters.
Dai’s courage, who is willing to help Avan with no hesitation despite his lack of magic ability. Vs Popp’s cowardice, ready to run away even though he’s more experienced.
Can’t wait for next week!

I liked the reference to the first game when Hadlar offered Avan half of the world.

Great episode.
So Hadlar returned, and this time as second in command to the Dark King.
According to the preview, the next episode will be a great one. Can't wait.

I was so scared that this chimp ass dude was actually gonna be the main antagonist and I was glad to be proven otherwise. This is good, this is nice, I love it, and I'm probably gonna be a sucker for this show by the next 30-40 episodes.
Also, I thought Pop was supposed to be cool or something, this dude Usopp asf

chimp ass dudeは、確証はないけど名前の響きからちんちくりんな男と訳しました。chimp =chimpanzee=チンパンジー

So, Avan was a former Hero !! Never saw that coming, I definitely sensed some mystery behind him but not that. And the fight scenes were done well, Good job Toei

Pop is a Ussop-like character lmao

Exacly. And I wouldn't be surprised if Oda took inspiration from Pop to create Usopp to be honest.


