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So in her road to get revenge she is becoming more alike to the one she is pursuing than the one she swore to get justice. Interesting to see the "other side of the story". Wonder where it will end at this rate.

the "other side of the story"の部分とりあえず「この物語の別の側面」と訳しました。反対側とか裏側とかで訳しても良いかもしれません。あとthe one she swore to get justiceがよくわからなかったので憶測です。

I didn't understand "the other side of the story" or at least it just sounded like gibberish to me, could you explain it to me?
also was that young Makie that saved the guy and then killed 52 wolves?


>also was that young Makie that saved the guy and then killed 52 wolves?

Long time ago the grandfather of both, Rin and Kagehisa had warrior schools and disputed some kind of "Mastery title". Kagehisa was a much better warrior and had a much better school but the title (and it's perks probably) were granted to Rin grandfather just because they were more "traditional" and had a more established style. While Kagehisa grandfather and school was excomungated and became a taboo.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong but the "other side" is that Kagehisa killed her father trying to fix that unright that happened years ago and to honor his grandfather, letting him finally have "peace". As in the "Kagehisa style" Rin is willing to do and use "watherver it needs" to kill them. Something that doesn't match very much with her father traditional school and style.
I'm not sure about the wolf thing too.


letting him finally have "peace"は訳すなら「彼に「平穏」を与えてやるために」とかになりそうな気がしますが、ここでは「彼の「無念」を晴らすために」と意訳しました。

perk=perquisite=恩恵 特典 役得
excommunicate A=Aを破門にする

thanks. That I understood but I thought Kagehisa hated his grandfather, was going to kill him, knew the one handed guy killed him and didn't do anything
so the whole "I killed your dad to give peace to my grandfather" didn't make much sense, or the fact that his whole thing is mocking his grandfather's style of swordsmanship
also he seems like a good kid and later on a decent enough guy but... he was chilling with the guy who had a woman head hooked to his neck when he was a kid
whatever I guess we will get this explained later on

I was confused by whose grandfather had died at the end. So it was Kagehisa's grandfather shown dead. Not Rin's.

While I won’t say that Kagehisa didn’t hate his grandfather, he’s just taking the part about being a samurai above all else that his grandfather literally beat into him. Something along the lines of the grandfather not living like Samurai should and Kagehisa wanting to correct that.


I've been on the fence for this anime and haven't started yet. Hyperviolence isn't normally my thing, but Blade of the Immortal (the manga) is highly regarded. I hear how fast they are tearing through the volumes to make a full adaptation though, which worries me.
People who have seen the first 4 episodes, what are your thoughts?

on the fence=直訳「フェンスの上に乗って」ですが、そこから「フェンスの上にのってどっち側にいくか決めている」→「まだどっちにするか決断できない」という意味になります。

It’s one of my favorites this season. Check it out if you like Samurai Champloo or Shigurui.

Disclaimer I haven't read the manga but I've been enjoying it quite a bit. It's pretty bloody but the fights don't to last to long. I like the characters, it does seem the pace is a bit quick but I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

disclaimer=責任放棄表明 免責事項 ※ただうまく訳せないためカットしました。

the best airing as of right now along vinland saga

I am not really enjoying it. I'll give it a few more but will likely drop it.

I think everyone who read the manga hates it as is tradition for literally anything adapted that isn't an exact replica of the original.
I like it but it's not my favorite of the season.

I appreciate the unique direction but I am not enjoying this as much as I want to.
It is too grim and I can't seem to get attached to the main protagonists.

grim=不快 恐ろしい 残忍 ゾッとする 気味の悪い 

今のところこのアニメに関して言うと、Hellsing Ultimateほど血まみれのシーンがあるというわけでもない。けど原作のほうはしばしばとても残忍な描写がある。・・・ここまで聞いたあとで見るかどうかはあなた次第。
It hasn't shown nearly as much violence as in the manga, although it's not for the faint-hearted. There are some specific scenes and chapters that are quite brutal though; a lot more brutal than anything we've seen so far, and some of these have caused friends of mine, years ago, to stop reading the story altogether. However, I can't imagine they'd put much of those specifically gratuitous scenes in the anime, considering how fast they're going through it. Like, we might get a scene or two to allude to everything, but we won't really see any details. So far this anime doesn't seem nearly as bloody as something like Hellsing Ultimate. But the original source material is often very grim, so... just depends on you.

faint-hearted=臆病な 気の小さい 意気地のない ※ここではビビったと訳しました。

Kagehisa is right, Rin is no longer a member of Muten Ichi-ryu, she didn't even master the technique. She's just a little girl out for revenge for her family not her dojo.

Wait, they're making a new Blade of the Immortal anime?!? Since when???
The previous anime adaption was unfinished if I remember correctly

Since about a month ago lol
Apparently, this is gonna be two cours and they want to tell the whole story. As a non-manga reader, I don't have any issues with the pacing so far but I can't say I'm particularly invested either.

No way... I need to check that out. Was a huge fan of the manga & the live action movie.
The previous anime was a disappointment. Hopefully this one doesn't turn out the same way hahah

Why is this show not doing well here? It's fantastic

Best episode so far imo. It's always nice when antagonist has some character instead of being just a bad guy.

Pretty good episode, I must say the story is still pretty confusing at times and I can't quite put my finger on why it feels this way. The super quick cuts during action scenes make a return this week as well *sigh*

The pace itself isn't good everything is rushed af so I'd recommend reading the manga to understand it better cuz lots of dialogues and action scenes had been deleted and if they're adapting the whole manga in one season they'll most likely skip an arc to cram the most important chapters/scenes which will lose its reason for being important but so far I'm just enjoying myself with its unique atmosphere and direction...

This episode adapt only 2 chapters, was the best so far knowing how to balance pace.

to me this was quite boring tbh
only served to show the main girl how weak she is (again and again), and to slightly introduce the guy she wants to kill , did that really need a full episode?

Interesting that she is trying to take revenge against someone who took revenge for his grandfather his attitude was interesting He did not hate her father but wanted peace for his grandfather's soul He saw no reason to kill her Does he really qualify as an evil man for our protagonist 's body count?


That was my favorite episode yet even though it didn't have much in terms of battles. I liked the conversation between Rin and Kagehisa. And, the ending scenes were pretty good too.

It was the most boring episode so far .Back story's and stuff are important but they could have a better pace ..But still overall I enjoy this anime


Episode 5 preview is here.

Look's good, lets hope that the series will be better and better each episode.






無限の住人(1) (アフタヌーンコミックス)
講談社 (2012-09-28)
売り上げランキング: 952