

rr (1)


Manji got fucking rekt. I really like this episode, much better pacing compared to Episode 2.

ee (1)
ee (2)
It was a complete obliteration. And after giving her a smug lecture too when she went easy on him.

これ字幕の英訳間違えてないですかね?上はオリジナルのセリフを載せましたが、英語字幕を素直に訳すと「そんな風にしか戦えないやつが、(俺みたいな)一人前の剣士の近くで刃物振り回してんじゃねーよ」ってなってしまうような?・・・これだと確かに万次さんうぬぼれ(smug)が強すぎるキャラになっちゃいますね・・・※ちなみにドヤ顔は英語だとsmug faceと言います。

go easy on A=Aに手加減する Aに優しくする
obliteration=抹消 除去 

I don't know why but I feel like the "flow" of the plot/story is a bit jittery. Like, I understand the things that are being shown, but the way they are shown (editing? intermediate scenes?) is a bit iffy for me.
But I am really loving the dark atmosphere/look of the anime. Even in the sunlit scenes, there's sort of a shadow over the scenes which is working great for the show's aesthetic.

jittery=ギクシャクした 神経質な ビクッとする
iffy=問題がある 怪しい 疑わしい

Because they're rushing through the story at an insane pace. This single episode had some 200 manga pages or so of story crammed into it, my hero academia usually does 40 pages per episode for comparison (the industry standard for manga adaptations is usually between 40-70 pages for each episode).
This means characters rap through their dialog so conversation lasts as few seconds as possible, and a lot of dialog and backstory of the characters get cut too.

This means characters rap through their dialog so conversation lasts as few seconds as possibleがよくわからなかったのですが、前後の文脈に合うように憶測混じりで訳しました

As long as they don’t cut any fights it should be fine

I thought he whole episode was beautiful, and it told a self-contained story perfectly. True to style, they spent a ton of time focusing on abstract unrelated stuff to set the mood - flowers, lanterns, songs, etc. - then the rapid action scenes hit hard like lightning strikes.
Don't need no sakuga, I'll just be here marveling at the editing and still-frames, TYVM

TYVM=Thank You Very Much

Fully agree with you. This show is so godamn beautiful. I don't often buy blurays for shows, but depending on how this goes--I might really have to buy them for this.

damn this girl is OP :D


eee (1)
eee (3)
eee (2)
Indeed, she is one with the blade. But can she come up with those mad pickup lines?

pickup line=口説き文句

Maki is badass! After their first encounter I weren’t expecting her to rekt the MC without any scratches.
I stan powerful, independent female characters like Maki that were dealt a bad hand at life but through her struggles eventually gained the resolve to carve out her own path.
The pacing is awful. Every episode so far feels like I’m watching in 1.5x and you can tell their skipping content.
Guess I’ll read the manga alongside the episodes


Starting the manga really is the best thing you can do. Just FYI, they crammed 5 whole chapters of 40+ pages into this one episode. Absolutely insane pacing.

FYI=For Your Information=参考までに

The soundtrack for this is fantastic. And geez, Makie completely wiped the floor with Manji. He didn't even wound her!

wipe the floor with A=直訳「Aで床を綺麗に拭く」からなぜか「Aを叩きのめす」「Aをこてんぱんにやっつける」という意味になります。なんだろう顔面を地面にのめり込ませているイメージかな?

rr (3)
rr (2)
rr (4)
rr (1)
Best place to store your sword. Makie's pose game is off the charts.

pose gameがよくわからなかったのですが、ググってみたところstrike a pose(ポーズを決める)って言葉がやたらヒットするのでそれで訳してみました。間違っていたら教えて下さい。

off the chart=とてつもない 並外れた ぶっちぎり 異常な  ※チャート(chart)から飛び出す(off)ほどすごいってことです。ドラゴンボールでいうならスカウターが爆発する感じですね。
rf (1)

It'll be interesting to see how this show develops. I'm unfamiliar with the source material, but based on the description I went into it expecting a kind of Ninja Scroll type storyline where unknown tough warrior progresses through fights to protect his ward. However, the combat in the show seems to be more a fight of will or perspective and not about technical ability.
Manji has technically lost every fight we've seen him in in terms of combat ability. The actual conflict is between the "opponents" personal history clashing with Makie's desire for revenge. The first fight was more between Makie and the guy who killed her mother, the second between Makie and the painter (the actual opponent for the episode), and the third between Makie and the singer/prostitute.
I initially disliked that Manji just gets his ass kicked over and over, but maybe his continual losing and desire for death is part of the message. The show seems to be trying to place Makie as the actual combatant for each episode and trying to get me to focus less on the outcome of the fights and more on the subtle messages conveyed through the conflicts of perspectives and character backgrounds.

wardが(東京二十三区などの)区 病室 監房という意味があります。獣兵衛忍風帖を見たことがないこともあってよくわからないのですが、とりあえずここでは村と訳しました。あとsingerは歌手と訳すと変なので芸者と訳しました。

I think you mean Rin? Makie is the character introduced this ep.
This fast pacing might be glossing over some things I didn't know were important at the time, but by this time in the manga I understood the stakes of the fights. Anotsu's sword school members are good while Manji is competent but immortal. He embodies the Japanese proverb "Fall seven times, get up eight," and him being an ass about it makes us question if unbreakable spirit is really as noble a trait as we think it is. We know he's going to get up, but like, look how much it sucks to do that.
But as a manga reader and seeing you notice that Rin is the hinge of the conflict makes me excited for you.

Hiding her weapons in her shamisen must be the old Japanese equivalent of the Tommy-gun-in-the-violin-case
Great episode. The fight scenes really complimented the storytelling. I like Makie's character, and the Rin-Manji dynamic is fun. The direction continues to be excellent, I think my favorite scene was when Makie cuts her hair, the shot of it separating, followed by the lightning-quick elimination of the those thugs was fantastic.



Glad to see her kicking ass as usual, p4p champ

P4P=Pound for pound=パウンド・フォー・パウンド

I can only follow this because I watched the previous series. I don't know if they are going through previous material at break neck pace or planning on rushing all of it.

breakneck=(首が折れるほどに)早くて危険 ※breakneck pace=(危険極まりないほど)猛烈なスピード

It's slated for 24 episodes and was announced as a "complete adaptation" of the manga, which is 30 volumes long, so unfortunately I think the break neck pace is here to stay.

shamisen sounds & samurai 1on1's. Thats what i need!

Didn't expected him to "lose" so early. Maki was just too powerful. Would like to hear the rest of the story of how she became a prostitute instead of a swordsman or how she met that guy who bought her and find out she was so powerful.

The manga tells you that story. I recommend you pick it up. :p


Nice episode! The pace is much faster than the manga, but it's a long series to get through, so I get it.

Manji fucking sucks. he only is alive because he is immortal.

You don't say

You don't sayは下の記事を参考に意訳しました。

☆ジョーイの最後のセリフ、"You don't say."
冗談ぽく"You don't say." と言っています

Does Manji get stronger or does he stay at this level?

Haven't seen the 2008 series but I did see the movie. The show seems pretty good.
Guess it's not so jittery when you know the story.

無限の住人 [Blu-ray]
無限の住人 [Blu-ray]
posted with amazlet at 19.10.19
ワーナー・ブラザース・ホームエンターテイメント (2017-11-08)
売り上げランキング: 32,488


Blade of the Immortal [Blu-ray] [Import]

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無限の住人(1) (アフタヌーンコミックス)
講談社 (2012-09-28)
売り上げランキング: 952