

それでは、アニメ「BANANA FISH」第7話に対する海外の反応で英語の勉強をしていきたいと思います。
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The whole plot around Shorter being forced to betray Ash makes me anxious. He is such a wonderful character and I don't want to see him suffer like this. I loved his emotional outburst this episode, Furukawa Makoto is doing such a wonderful job voicing him.
Ash having to drink after telling Eiji to go back to Japan made me chuckle and the scene itself was done beautifully. Also Yut-Lung's reaction towards Eiji being allowed to approach Ash from behind like that was very interesting. The whole Ash/Eiji dynamic is so interesting and I love it.
Another great episode in my opinion. But I fear for Jessica's and Michael's safety...


chuckle : 声を出さずにくすくす笑う
「声を小さくして遠慮がちに笑う」「声を出さずに笑う(含み笑いをする)」などの意味があります。laugh の一種ですが、口を開けずに低い小さな声をあげてクックッと独りで笑うことを表します。
chuckle, giggle, laugh, snicker「笑う」違い


They've killed of a character roughly every 2 episodes and nobody died this episode. So RIP either his wife or kid.
I'm confused about Shorter. Didn't he grow up in NY with Ash? So who was the guy he was talking to? And is his sister in NY or LA?


So, Shorter grew up in NY and thats where his sister is. Yut is the youngest brother of Mr.Lee, the guy who sold Ash/Shorter/Eiji weapons 2 episodes ago before they went after Dino.
So Yut is basically part of the Western branch of the same gang Mr.Lee runs over on the East Coast, and Mr.Lee is giving orders/threatening Shorter's sister through Yut



Pretty sure that he did indeed grow up in NY but his origins are unknown to me. It's apparent that his family sort of owes the Lee family for helping Shorter when he was still growing up and as we're shown here, Yut Lung, etc own the Chinese stronghold/mafia in California.
I'd assume that his sister is in NY, otherwise he'd just go see his sister right now right?

stronghold=本拠地 拠点 最後の拠り所

We've met his sister--remember? She works at the restaurant (and yes, is still there...)

Not the kid and his mother please! PLEASE!!!


The mother is best girl. Hope she doesn’t die like the previous best girl in the last episode :(



they will probably kidnapped and used as barganning chips. I think they can get them both back at least i hope, the mother is very fiesty so she may have a chance to make a move herself.

barganning chip=交渉の切り札
feisty=怒りっぽい 短気  ※原文はfiestyですがfeistyで訳しました

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The plot keeps thickening! I'm concerned for Shorter, and intrigued by the introduction of Yut-Lung. I loved his turn from concerned innocent boy to cool collected power bitch. I already love him as an antagonist.
I loved the moments between Ash and Eiji in this one, between their high-five/hand-holding (which I believe is anime original?) and Ash needing to drink after telling Eiji to leave, I really like how their relationship is developing.
Also this episode was really pretty! The shot of the reflection in Shorter's glasses changing from being the guy in the cafe to Ash, and the shot of Ash covering the sun with his hand were both really cool.

thickening=濃い 厚い


There was a lot of nice lighting during Ash and Eiji's talk.

うん、BANANA FISHのアニメーションはカメラアングルやそのキャラクターの交流も相まってとても素晴らしい。何度も見返さないといけないシーンがたくさんある。だってその描写がとっても美しいから

Yes the animation of Banana Fish is very amazing with the camera angle and characters interaction. I have to go back and watch some scene a few time because it's so beautiful <3

The scene when Max goes in to kiss his son good night actually made me believe I was no longer watching an anime. I dunno. Something about the way it was shot, the lighting and the angles felt like a touching scene from a well directed american TV show.

How does all of the hacking stuff play out in the manga? I assume it is just one of those weird things that ended up from modernizing an older series like with Parasyte.


Lol they go through the professor's books and look at marked words that stand out to guess which one he marked as a password. Way more of a crapshoot than Ash already dubious Fancy USB

この手の原作の内容を描写した英文は誤訳がすぐにバレるので怖いですw間違っていたら(優しく)指摘してください。(まあ誤訳が怖いので「BANANA FISH 7話 USB」とかで調べたから大丈夫だとは思います(笑)・・・ただその過程で大なり小なりネタバレを食らうのであんまりしたくないんですよね・・・)

crapshot=博打 運任せ
go through=「経験する」「通り抜ける」など色々な意味がありますが、ここでは「くまなく調べる」
dubious=怪しげな 疑わしい


But Ash does hack a computer too, its one of those old ones. Desktop computers came to America early to mid eighties.

・この「Rich boy」っていうのはフィッツジェラルドの短編小説、当然だけどこのリー・ユエルンのことを指している。だが、この小説の冒頭の方が(タイトルより)もっと今回のエピソードに合っていると思う。

短編小説「Rich boy」の冒頭:

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(BANANA FISHという薬物を中心に展開していく)は恐ろしいほど早いスピードで進んでいると感じる。
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The Rich Boy is a short story by Fitzgerald; of course the reference is to Lee Yut Lung's character.
The first lines of the story fit even more:
    Begin with an individual, and before you know it you find that you have created a type; begin with a type, and you find that you have created--nothing. That is because we are all queer fish, queerer behind our faces and voices than we want any one to know or than we know ourselves. When I hear a man proclaiming himself an 'average, honest, open fellow,' I feel pretty sure that he has some definite and perhaps terrible abnormality which he has agreed to conceal.
This may be stretching things a bit far, but I wonder if Eiji is hiding something deep within him too - something that will surface later. Unlikely though - he does seem to be the average, open, honest fellow, or to put in more anime trope terms, a pure cinnamon roll. On the other hand, there seem to be feelings brewing inside Yut Lung that may make him change sides. I think the groundwork has been laid for something like that.
The foreshadowing from the OP that had me worried has finally come into play. Shorter's still a stand up guy though - he's just being blackmailed. I loved his outburst at the end - what a scene.
I'm actually a little amazed right now that this is a 2-cour, because the plot (the one centered around the drug Banana Fish) seems to be moving at a breakneck speed!
Jessica's a brash badass, I fell in love instantly. Max, you did really well for yourself.. well, until the whole separation thing.

「純粋無垢な青年である」の前にあった英文「or put in anime torpe terms」はどう訳していいかわからなかったのでカットしました。すみません。
「マックスよ」以下の文章は、英文では「Max, you did really well for yourself.. well, until the whole separation thing.」となっていますが、ここ正直よくわからなかったので想像で無理やり訳しました。

「Rich boy」の冒頭が、下の本のKindleの無料サンプルで読めたので参考にしました。ただゴリゴリの翻訳調でか書かれていてイマイチわかりにくかったので、自分なりに意味を咀嚼して訳してみました。

(BANANA FISHという薬物を中心に展開していく)は恐ろしいほど早いスピードで進んでいると感じる。
(そしておそらく作者の吉田自身も)、BANANA FISHを4つの「Act」とプロローグ(グリフが狂人になるところ)、エピローグに分けて考えている。それでいうなら、今はちょうど大体Act 1の終わりに入ったところだ。このマンガには非常にたくさんのプロットがあるから、このスピードで進めてもプロットをあっという間に消費してしまうなんてことにはならない。
>I'm actually a little amazed right now that this is a 2-cour, because the plot (the one centered around the drug Banana Fish) seems to be moving at a breakneck speed!
Without spoilers, most fans (and I believe Yoshida herself) divide Banana Fish into 4 "acts" with a prologue (the scene with Griffin going berserk) and an epilogue. By those standards we're only now near the end of Act I--there's a LOT of plot to this manga, so by no means are they burning through plot despite the speed...

burn through A=Aをあっという間に使い切ってしまう



Jessica is best girl.

This episode literally felt 5 minutes long.

Wow,あの男はWindow xpを使っているのか。2018でもいまだにWindow xpを使っているなら、ハッキングされてもしかたない。

Finally, a slightly more relaxed episode. slightly. Ponytail guy's design is cool as hell, I've been wondering when he'd show up ever since I saw him in the OP. Also it took me way too long to work out that he wasn't just 'mirin ash and eiji all episode.
I already know I have questionable taste in anime but I like how this series seems mainly focussed on characters and dialogue with cool action scenes to break it up, it feels like a lot of action/thriller stuff does the reverse and I'm not into that.
Wow, that guy's running windows xp. If you're still running windows xp in 2018 you kind of deserve to get hacked :P

questionable taste=下品な[いかがわしい]趣味という意味ですが、ここで「いかがわしい趣味をしているのは知っているが」とすると文脈に合わないので、「自分のアニメの趣味がいいかは疑問だが」と訳しました


>Also it took me way too long to work out that he wasn't just 'mirin ash and eiji all episode.
The subtle complexity of those few scenes is actually amazing. I'm surprised that Ash made a mistake like that in front of someone who he's suspicious about.
For anyone who didn't pick up on it; Ash jumped at the sound of Yut walking up behind him, saying that he grew up in a rough town and doesn't like being approached from behind. He then comments on Yut walking without making sound to which Yut responds "It's how we Chinese are raised". This is a direct contradiction to the conversation he had earlier about being adopted by an American family. (Ash doesn't know he was adopted at age 16).
When Eji walks in Ash makes the mistake that puts Eji in danger. In front of Yut who he just told that he doesn't like to be approached from behind. Ash didn't react to Eji's presence at all, rather he gives him a high-five over the excitement of cracking the computer. This was a very clear display to Yut that Ash trusts Eji with his life.


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The implications of that scene plus the balcony scene are more or less Yut-Lung's basis for being aware and possibly understanding Eiji's value to Ash. And like you said, Ash actually made a mistake. That's just one of the many instances of how low his guard down is whenever he is with Eiji and this is a very important point in the story.

implication=含み 含意 暗示 ほのめかし

・アニメの世界にスマートフォンは登場させたのに、パソコンはまだWindows xp?うーんなるほど。

So they get smartphones added to the anime but the pc is still running windows xp? Uh-huh, sure.
Aaaah not Max's son!


You never met an old guy who refused to get a new PC because the old one 'works just fine'? I know two of them.


Ha, I knew Yut-Lung was suspicious from the moment I saw him. No one has a ponytail like that unless they're a super-powerful kung-fu warrior or something.



